- ⚛️ React 18
- ✨ TypeScript
- 💨 craco
- 📈 Absolute Import and Path Alias — Import components using
prefix - 📏 ESLint — Find and fix problems in your code, also will auto sort your imports
- 💖 Prettier — Format your code consistently
- 🐶 Husky & Lint Staged — Run scripts on your staged files before they are committed
- 👷 Github Actions — Lint your code on PR
Use this repository as template
Disclosure: by using this repository as a template, there will be an attribution on your repository.
I'll appreciate if you do, so this template can be known by others too 😄
It is encouraged to use yarn so the husky hooks can work properly.
You also need add git hooks.
yarn prepare
You can start the server using this command:
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying src/App.tsx