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…bers (UPRN) in Trafford, derived from Ordnance Survey OS Open UPRN. Due to filesizes being large, commits are split to allow uploading to GitHub.
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itsozz committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent a4535ae commit 19e730d
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Showing 5 changed files with 138,140 additions and 0 deletions.
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions unique_property_reference_numbers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@

<td>Dataset name</td>
<td>Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford</td>
<td>Dataset description</td>
<td>An open dataset containing all the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) within Trafford found in AddressBase Premium, with their respective geometries in British National Grid and Latitude, Longitude.</td>
<td>Ordnance Survey OS Open UPRN</td>
<td>Ordnance Survey</td>
<td>Publisher URL</td>
<td><a href="" target="_blank"></a></td>
<td>Geographic coverage</td>
<td>Temporal coverage</td>
<td>Update frequency</td>
<td><a href="" target="_blank">Open Government Licence</a></td>
<td>OS Open UPRN provided by <a href="" target="_blank">Ordnance Survey</a></td>
<td>CSV, GeoJSON</td>
<td>Openness rating</td>
<td>&#9733&#9733&#9733&#9734&#9734&nbsp; Structured data in open format (e.g. CSV)</td>
<td>Last updated</td>
<td>The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12 digit number assigned to every unit of land and property recorded by local government. The UPRN uniquely and definitively identifies every addressable location in the country.</td>
<td>Lab visualisation</td>
<td>View data within the Lab's <a href="">Explore application</a>.</td>
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions unique_property_reference_numbers/index.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
pagetitle: "Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford"
lang: "en-GB"
css: ../guidance/template/styles.css
self_contained: TRUE

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
library(tidyverse) ; library(htmltools) ; library(DT)
df <- read_csv("trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.csv") %>%
rename_all(. %>% str_to_title() %>% str_replace_all("_", " "))
<span id="a11yNav"><a href="#downloads" class="themeBlockDark">Skip to downloads</a></span>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Trafford Data Lab" aria-label="Return to Trafford Data Lab data page" width="100" class="traffordDataLabLogo"/></a>

<h1>Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford</h1>
*The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12 digit number assigned to every unit of land and property recorded by local government. The UPRN uniquely and definitively identifies every addressable location in the country.*



<table id="metadata" class="table table-condensed">
<tr class="header">
<th>Time period</th>
<th>Last updated</th>
<td><a href="" target="_blank">Ordnance Survey OS Open UPRN</a></td>
<td><a href="" target="_blank">Ordnance Survey</a></td>
<td>Point data</td>
<td><a href="" target="_blank">Open Government Licence</a></td>
<td>OS Open UPRN provided by <a href="" target="_blank">Ordnance Survey</a></td>
<td><time datetime="2024-12-12">2024-12-12</time></td>

Sort, filter and export a selection of the data using the table. An <a href="" target="_blank">interactive map</a> is also available.

```{r preview}
class = 'cell-border stripe',
rownames = FALSE,
extensions = c('Scroller', 'Buttons', 'KeyTable'),
options = list(
keys = TRUE,
search = list(regex = TRUE),
searchHighlight = TRUE,
dom = 'ftB',
buttons = list(
list(extend = "csv",
text = "Download selection")),
deferRender = TRUE,
scrollX = TRUE,
scrollY = 300,
scroller = TRUE,
autoWidth = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(
list(className = 'dt-left', targets = "_all")
<div id="tableFooterTitle">Unique Property Reference Numbers in Trafford</div>

<span id ="downloads">Download the complete dataset using the following links:</span>

|File name |Format |
|[trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.csv](trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.csv) |CSV |
|[trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.geojson](trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.geojson) |GeoJSON |

[The R script used to process the data](pre-processing.R) can be adapted to other areas. For information about R visit the <a href="" target="_blank">CRAN website</a>.


// Fixes to dynamic elements created by DataTables to improve accessibility
var removeElFn = setInterval(removeElement, 1000);

function removeElement() {
try {
var el = document.getElementsByClassName("dataTables_scrollBody")[0].childNodes[0];
el.removeChild(el.childNodes[0]); // Remove unwanted hidden text element from table - causing accessibility alert as it has no label

el.parentNode.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); // add attribute allowing keyboard users to access scrollable area

clearInterval(removeElFn); // cancel any further calls to this function as we have completed all actions
catch(e) {
// form element 'el' doesn't exist yet so setInterval will call the function again until it does
3,448 changes: 3,448 additions & 0 deletions unique_property_reference_numbers/index.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions unique_property_reference_numbers/pre-processing.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRN) in Trafford
# Source:
# Licence:

# Load required packages ---------
library(tidyverse); library(httr); library(sf); library(lubridate)

# Download and extract the data ---------
# The data is available updated monthly, so enter the version in the format YYYYMM (you can check the version from the Source URL above)
data_version <- "202411"

# The URL shouldn't change from the API
data_url <- ""

download.file(data_url, destfile = paste0("osopenuprn_", data_version, ""), timeout = 5000)
unzip(paste0("osopenuprn_", data_version, ""), exdir = ".", files = paste0("osopenuprn_", data_version, ".csv"))

# Read in the data for the whole of GB
df_uprn_gb <- read_csv(paste0("osopenuprn_", data_version, ".csv"))

# Tidy-up removing the files we no longer need
file.remove(paste0("osopenuprn_", data_version, ""))
file.remove(paste0("osopenuprn_", data_version, ".csv"))

# Extract just the data that lies within Trafford's boundary ---------
# Load in Trafford's boundary as a spatial object
sf_trafford <- st_read("")

# Convert the UPRN dataset into a spatial file using the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE variables
sf_uprn_gb <- df_uprn_gb %>%
# Make copies of the lat/lon coordinates to use later in the dataset as the originals will become the geometry
mutate(lat = LATITUDE,
lon = LONGITUDE) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE"),
crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")

# Perform spatial join to extract just those UPRNs within Trafford
sf_uprn_trafford <- st_join(sf_uprn_gb, sf_trafford, join = st_within, left = FALSE)

# Tidy the resultant spatial dataset for Trafford, renaming variables for clarity and adding version date ---------
sf_uprn_trafford_tidy <- sf_uprn_trafford %>%
mutate(version_date = paste(month(ymd(paste0(substring(data_version, 1, 4), "-", substring(data_version, 5, 6), "-01")), label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE), substring(data_version, 1, 4))) %>%
rename(uprn = UPRN,
easting = X_COORDINATE,
northing = Y_COORDINATE,
latitude = lat,
longitude = lon) %>%
select(uprn, latitude, longitude, easting, northing, area_code, area_name, version_date, geometry)

# Create the output files ---------
# Convert to a non-spatial dataset in order to output as CSV
df_uprn_trafford <- sf_uprn_trafford_tidy %>%
st_set_geometry(value = NULL)

write_csv(df_uprn_trafford, "trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.csv")
st_write(sf_uprn_trafford_tidy, "trafford_unique_property_reference_numbers.geojson", driver = "GeoJSON")


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