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Releasing Manticore

Eric Hennenfent edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 52 revisions

To release Manticore

  1. Merge a PR bumping the version number. Use find & replace to make sure you do this in and any other files where it's referenced. Update with the version being released. Conventional commit message is "Manticore x.y.z".

    • In the changelog don't forget to update the number in the "unreleased" line and check the date is correct.
  2. Based on external contribution activity in this last release, send [Amelia's replacement] external contributors, emails, and links to their prs/contributions, indicating their size (small, medium, large).

  3. Draft a new release from the release page.

    • Under "Choose a tag", type in the new version number, and choose "Create a new tag x.x.x on publish"
    • Make sure master is selected under "Target"
    • Paste the most recent changelog entry into the description field
  4. Publish the Release (Not Reversible)

    • Press the "Publish" button on the release page
    • Wait for the CI to complete. This workflow automatically runs the tests and uploads to PyPI after they pass.
  5. Check that readthedocs documentation was generated correctly


Use the Github diff links to see all the commits between the last release and now, e.g.
