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245 lines (195 loc) · 9.63 KB

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245 lines (195 loc) · 9.63 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
GetWebhookLog GET /logs/{Webhook Log ID} Fetch an individual webhook log
GetWebhookLogs GET /logs/webhooks Fetch a list of webhook logs


WebhookLogResponse GetWebhookLog (Guid? webhookLogID)

Fetch an individual webhook log

Returns a single webhook log based on the webhook log ID.



using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TransferZero.Sdk.Api;
using TransferZero.Sdk.Client;
using TransferZero.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetWebhookLogExample
        public void main()
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
            configuration.ApiKey = "<key>";
            configuration.ApiSecret = "<secret>";
            configuration.BasePath = "";

            var apiInstance = new LogsApi(configuration);
            var webhookLogID = new Guid?(); // Guid? | ID of the webhook log to retrieve  Example: `/v1/logs/9d1ad631-f34a-4cff-9a7e-2c83e3a556df`

            try {
                // Fetch an individual webhook log
                WebhookLogResponse result = apiInstance.GetWebhookLog(webhookLogID);
            } catch (ApiException e)
                if (e.IsValidationError) {
                    // In case there was a validation error, obtain the object
                    WebhookLogResponse result = e.ParseObject<WebhookLogResponse>();
                    Debug.WriteLing("There was a validation error while processing!");
                } else {
                    Debug.Print("Exception when calling LogsApi.GetWebhookLog: " + e.Message );


Imports TransferZero.Sdk.Api;
Imports TransferZero.Sdk.Client;
Imports TransferZero.Sdk.Model;
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module Example
    Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        Dim configuration As Configuration = New Configuration()
        configuration.ApiKey = "KEY"
        configuration.ApiSecret = "SECRET"
        configuration.BasePath = ""

        Dim debitsApi As AccountDebitsApi = New AccountDebitsApi(configuration)

        Dim apiInstance = new LogsApi(configuration)
        Dim webhookLogID = new Guid?() REM Guid? | ID of the webhook log to retrieve  Example: `/v1/logs/9d1ad631-f34a-4cff-9a7e-2c83e3a556df`

            REM Fetch an individual webhook log
            Dim result As WebhookLogResponse = apiInstance.GetWebhookLog(webhookLogID)
        Catch e as ApiException
            If e.IsValidationError Then
                REM In case there was a validation error, obtain the object
                Dim result as WebhookLogResponse = e.ParseObject(Of WebhookLogResponse)()
                Debug.WriteLine("There was a validation error while processing!")
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling LogsApi.GetWebhookLog: " + e.Message )
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module


Name Type Description Notes
webhookLogID Guid? ID of the webhook log to retrieve Example: `/v1/logs/9d1ad631-f34a-4cff-9a7e-2c83e3a556df`

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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WebhookLogListResponse GetWebhookLogs (int? page = null, int? per = null, string createdAtFrom = null, string createdAtTo = null)

Fetch a list of webhook logs

Returns a list of webhook logs. Response includes pagination.



using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TransferZero.Sdk.Api;
using TransferZero.Sdk.Client;
using TransferZero.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class GetWebhookLogsExample
        public void main()
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
            configuration.ApiKey = "<key>";
            configuration.ApiSecret = "<secret>";
            configuration.BasePath = "";

            var apiInstance = new LogsApi(configuration);
            var page = 1;  // int? | The page number to request (defaults to 1) (optional) 
            var per = 10;  // int? | The number of results to load per page (defaults to 10) (optional) 
            var createdAtFrom = createdAtFrom_example;  // string | Start date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe.  Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` (optional) 
            var createdAtTo = createdAtTo_example;  // string | End date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe.  Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` (optional) 

            try {
                // Fetch a list of webhook logs
                WebhookLogListResponse result = apiInstance.GetWebhookLogs(page, per, createdAtFrom, createdAtTo);
            } catch (ApiException e)
                if (e.IsValidationError) {
                    // In case there was a validation error, obtain the object
                    WebhookLogListResponse result = e.ParseObject<WebhookLogListResponse>();
                    Debug.WriteLing("There was a validation error while processing!");
                } else {
                    Debug.Print("Exception when calling LogsApi.GetWebhookLogs: " + e.Message );


Imports TransferZero.Sdk.Api;
Imports TransferZero.Sdk.Client;
Imports TransferZero.Sdk.Model;
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module Example
    Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        Dim configuration As Configuration = New Configuration()
        configuration.ApiKey = "KEY"
        configuration.ApiSecret = "SECRET"
        configuration.BasePath = ""

        Dim debitsApi As AccountDebitsApi = New AccountDebitsApi(configuration)

        Dim apiInstance = new LogsApi(configuration)
        Dim page = 1 REM int? | The page number to request (defaults to 1) (optional) 
        Dim per = 10 REM int? | The number of results to load per page (defaults to 10) (optional) 
        Dim createdAtFrom = createdAtFrom_example REM string | Start date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe.  Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` (optional) 
        Dim createdAtTo = createdAtTo_example REM string | End date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe.  Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` (optional) 

            REM Fetch a list of webhook logs
            Dim result As WebhookLogListResponse = apiInstance.GetWebhookLogs(page, per, createdAtFrom, createdAtTo)
        Catch e as ApiException
            If e.IsValidationError Then
                REM In case there was a validation error, obtain the object
                Dim result as WebhookLogListResponse = e.ParseObject(Of WebhookLogListResponse)()
                Debug.WriteLine("There was a validation error while processing!")
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling LogsApi.GetWebhookLogs: " + e.Message )
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module


Name Type Description Notes
page int? The page number to request (defaults to 1) [optional]
per int? The number of results to load per page (defaults to 10) [optional]
createdAtFrom string Start date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe. Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` [optional]
createdAtTo string End date to filter recipients by created_at range Allows filtering results by the specified `created_at` timeframe. Example: `/v1/recipients?created_at_from=2018-06-06&created_at_to=2018-06-08` [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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