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Honor UDP packet size limit (MTU)
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UDP packets cannot exceed MTU. If they do, the app gets
{error,emsgsize} from gen_udp:send. Similar issue:


This commit adds packet size check. Packets are sent
immediately upon reaching max size, even before the end
of batch window.

Size calculation from CollectedMetrics map would've been
costly. I changed the format to binary. Metrics are encoded
into Line Protocol immediately now, instead of right before

This also helps avoid data loss. The map did not record
all timestamps. It set the most recent timestamp
for all fields of the same measurement.

It also did not honor differences in tags, but I guess
there aren't any when metrics go through Exometer.
  • Loading branch information
vassilevsky authored and mgumz committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 71ccc5a commit b271047
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Showing 5 changed files with 120 additions and 61 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -39,14 +39,15 @@ This reporter pushes data to [InfluxDB](

Available options:

* __protocol__ - `http`, `https` or `udp` for operating with InfluxDB. `http` by default. If you use `udp`, check __udp_mtu__ below to avoid `{error,emsgsize}`.
* __host__ - InfluxDB host. `` by default.
* __protocol__ - `http`, `https` or `udp` for operating with InfluxDB. `http` by default.
* __port__ - InfluxDB port. `8086` by default.
* __db__ - Database on InfluxDB for writing data. `exometer` by default.
* __username__ - Username for authorization on InfluxDB.
* __password__ - Password for authorization on InfluxDB.
* __timestamping__ - Enable timestamping, `false` by default. To enable `timestamping` with the reporter you can use `true` or `{true, Precision}` where `Precision` is a unit taken from `[n,u,ms,s,m,h]`. The default unit is `u`.
* __batch_window_size__ - set window size in ms for batch sending. This means the reporter will collect measurements within this interval and send all measurements in one packet. `0` by default.
* __batch_window_size__ - Set window size in ms for batch sending. This means the reporter will collect measurements within this interval and send all measurements in one packet. `0` by default.
* __udp_mtu__ - (Used only with __protocol__ == `udp`.) MTU of the network interface through which UDP packets flow to the __host__. `65536` by default (Linux loopback interface MTU). Run `ifconfig` on the machine where this app will run to find it out. Metrics will be sent out if their size (in the Line Protocol format) exceeds this value, even if the current __batch_window_size__ is not over yet. (They will also be sent out at the end of __batch_window_size__ as usual, regardless of their size.)

The following options can be set globally in the reporter config or locally in a specific subscription. The latter case overwrites the first.

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions rebar.config
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Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,5 @@

{cover_enabled, true}.
105 changes: 47 additions & 58 deletions src/exometer_report_influxdb.erl
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@


Expand All @@ -33,40 +35,25 @@
-define(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_OPT, false).
-define(DEFAULT_UDP_MTU, 65536).
-define(DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_MOD, undefined).

-define(VALID_PRECISIONS, [n, u, ms, s, m, h]).

-define(MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE, 65535).
-define(UDP_HEADER_SIZE, 8).
-define(IP_HEADER_SIZE, 20).

-define(HTTP(Proto), (Proto =:= http orelse Proto =:= https)).


-type options() :: [{atom(), any()}].
-type value() :: any().
-type callback_result() :: {ok, state()} | any().
-type precision() :: n | u | ms | s | m | h.
-type protocol() :: http | udp.

-record(state, {protocol :: protocol(),
db :: binary(), % for http
username :: undefined | binary(), % for http
password :: undefined | binary(), % for http
host :: inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), % for udp
port :: inet:port_number(), % for udp
timestamping :: boolean(),
precision :: precision(),
collected_metrics = #{} :: map(),
batch_window_size = 0 :: integer(),
tags :: map(),
series_name :: atom() | binary(),
formatting :: list(),
metrics :: map(),
autosubscribe :: boolean(),
subscriptions_module :: module(),
connection :: gen_udp:socket() | reference()}).
-type state() :: #state{}.

%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
Expand All @@ -81,6 +68,7 @@ exometer_init(Opts) ->
Password = get_opt(password, Opts, ?DEFAULT_PASSWORD),
TimestampOpt = get_opt(timestamping, Opts, ?DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_OPT),
BatchWinSize = get_opt(batch_window_size, Opts, ?DEFAULT_BATCH_WINDOW_SIZE),
UDP_MTU = get_opt(udp_mtu, Opts, ?DEFAULT_UDP_MTU),
{Timestamping, Precision} = evaluate_timestamp_opt(TimestampOpt),
Tags = [{key(Key), Value} || {Key, Value} <- get_opt(tags, Opts, [])],
SeriesName = get_opt(series_name, Opts, ?DEFAULT_SERIES_NAME),
Expand All @@ -100,6 +88,7 @@ exometer_init(Opts) ->
series_name = SeriesName,
formatting = Formatting,
batch_window_size = BatchWinSize,
max_udp_size = max_udp_size(UDP_MTU),
autosubscribe = Autosubscribe,
subscriptions_module = SubscriptionsMod,
metrics = maps:new()},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +117,7 @@ exometer_report(Metric, DataPoint, _Extra, Value,
#state{metrics = Metrics} = State) ->
case maps:get(Metric, Metrics, not_found) of
{MetricName, Tags} ->
maybe_send(Metric, MetricName, Tags,
maybe_send(MetricName, Tags,
maps:from_list([{DataPoint, Value}]), State);
Error ->
?warning("InfluxDB reporter got trouble when looking ~p metric's tag: ~p",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,13 +164,9 @@ exometer_cast(_Unknown, State) ->
exometer_info({exometer_influxdb, reconnect}, State) ->
exometer_info({exometer_influxdb, send},
#state{precision = Precision,
collected_metrics = CollectedMetrics} = State) ->
if CollectedMetrics /= #{} ->
Packets = [make_packet(MetricName, Tags, Fileds, Timestamping, Precision) ++ "\n"
|| {_, {MetricName, Tags, Fileds, Timestamping}}
<- maps:to_list(CollectedMetrics)],
send(Packets, State#state{collected_metrics = #{}});
#state{collected_metrics = CollectedMetrics} = State) ->
if size(CollectedMetrics) > 0 ->
send(CollectedMetrics, State#state{collected_metrics = <<>>});
true -> {ok, State}
exometer_info(_Unknown, State) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,36 +257,35 @@ prepare_batch_send(Time) ->
prepare_reconnect() ->
erlang:send_after(1000, self(), {exometer_influxdb, reconnect}).

-spec maybe_send(list(), list(), map(), map(), state()) ->
-spec maybe_send(list(), map(), map(), state()) ->
{ok, state()} | {error, term()}.
maybe_send(OriginMetricName, MetricName, Tags0, Fields,
#state{batch_window_size = BatchWinSize,
maybe_send(MetricName, Tags, Fields,
#state{batch_window_size = 0,
precision = Precision,
timestamping = Timestamping} = State) ->
Packet = make_packet(MetricName, Tags, Fields, Timestamping andalso unix_time(Precision), Precision),
send(Packet, State);
maybe_send(MetricName, Tags, Fields,
#state{protocol = Protocol,
batch_window_size = BatchWindowSize,
max_udp_size = MaxUDPSize,
precision = Precision,
timestamping = Timestamping,
collected_metrics = CollectedMetrics} = State)
when BatchWinSize > 0 ->
NewCollectedMetrics = case maps:get(OriginMetricName, CollectedMetrics, not_found) of
{MetricName, Tags, Fields1} ->
NewFields = maps:merge(Fields, Fields1),
{MetricName, Tags, NewFields, Timestamping andalso unix_time(Precision)},
{MetricName, Tags, Fields1, _OrigTimestamp} ->
NewFields = maps:merge(Fields, Fields1),
{MetricName, Tags, NewFields, Timestamping andalso unix_time(Precision)},
not_found ->
{MetricName, Tags0, Fields, Timestamping andalso unix_time(Precision)},
maps:size(CollectedMetrics) == 0 andalso prepare_batch_send(BatchWinSize),
{ok, State#state{collected_metrics = NewCollectedMetrics}};
maybe_send(_, MetricName, Tags, Fields,
#state{timestamping = Timestamping, precision = Precision} = State) ->
Packet = make_packet(MetricName, Tags, Fields, Timestamping, Precision),
send(Packet, State).
collected_metrics = CollectedMetrics} = State) ->
maybe_start_new_window(BatchWindowSize, CollectedMetrics),
Packet = make_packet(MetricName, Tags, Fields, Timestamping andalso unix_time(Precision), Precision),
BinaryPacket = list_to_binary(Packet),
NewCollectedMetrics = <<CollectedMetrics/binary, BinaryPacket/binary, "\n">>,
Protocol == udp andalso size(CollectedMetrics) > 0 andalso size(NewCollectedMetrics) > MaxUDPSize ->
send(CollectedMetrics, State#state{collected_metrics = <<BinaryPacket/binary, "\n">>});
true ->
{ok, State#state{collected_metrics = NewCollectedMetrics}}

maybe_start_new_window(Window, Metrics) when size(Metrics) == 0 ->
maybe_start_new_window(_, _) -> ok.

-spec send(binary() | list(), state()) ->
{ok, state()} | {error, term()}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,6 +322,11 @@ send(Packet, #state{protocol = udp, connection = Socket,
send(_, #state{protocol = Protocol}) -> {error, {Protocol, not_supported}}.

max_udp_size(MTU) when MTU > ?MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE ->
max_udp_size(MaxPacketSize) ->

-spec merge_tags(list() | map(), list() | map()) -> map().
merge_tags(Tags, AdditionalTags) when is_list(Tags) ->
merge_tags(maps:from_list(Tags), AdditionalTags);
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/state.hrl
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-type precision() :: n | u | ms | s | m | h.
-type protocol() :: http | udp.

-record(state, {protocol :: protocol(),
db :: binary(), % for http
username :: undefined | binary(), % for http
password :: undefined | binary(), % for http
host :: inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), % for udp
port :: inet:port_number(), % for udp
timestamping :: boolean(),
precision :: precision(),
collected_metrics = <<>> :: binary(),
batch_window_size :: non_neg_integer(),
max_udp_size :: pos_integer(),
tags :: map(),
series_name :: atom() | binary(),
formatting :: list(),
metrics :: map(),
autosubscribe :: boolean(),
subscriptions_module :: module(),
connection :: gen_udp:socket() | reference()}).

-type state() :: #state{}.
46 changes: 45 additions & 1 deletion test/exometer_influxdb_test.erl
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Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,13 @@


-import(exometer_report_influxdb, [evaluate_subscription_options/5,

evaluate_subscription_options(MetricId, Options) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,5 +150,44 @@ subscribtions_module_test() ->

send_udp_packet_when_it_hits_size_limit_test() ->
TestServerPort = 55555,
{ok, ServerSocket} = gen_udp:open(TestServerPort, [{active, false}]),
{ok, ClientSocket} = gen_udp:open(0),
State1 = #state{protocol = udp,
connection = ClientSocket,
host = "localhost",
port = TestServerPort,
batch_window_size = 99999,
max_udp_size = 70,
precision = s,
timestamping = false},
{ok, State2} = maybe_send(flights, [{type, departure}], #{count => 3}, State1), % fits into packet - send
{ok, State3} = maybe_send(flights, [{type, arrival}], #{count => 2}, State2), % fits into packet - send
{ok, State4} = maybe_send(flights, [{type, arrival}], #{count => 1}, State3), % doesn't fit - save for later
{ok, State5} = maybe_send(flights, [{type, arrival}], #{count => 1}, State4), % doesn't fit - save for later
{ok, {_Address, _Port, Packet1}} = gen_udp:recv(ServerSocket, 0, 9999),

?assertEqual("flights,type=departure count=3i \n"
"flights,type=arrival count=2i \n", Packet1),

?assertEqual(<<"flights,type=arrival count=1i \n"
"flights,type=arrival count=1i \n">>, State5#state.collected_metrics),

% Send the remaining metrics when the current batch window ends
{ok, State6} = exometer_info({exometer_influxdb, send}, State5),
{ok, {_Address, _Port, Packet2}} = gen_udp:recv(ServerSocket, 0, 9999),

?assertEqual("flights,type=arrival count=1i \n"
"flights,type=arrival count=1i \n", Packet2),

?assertEqual(<<>>, State6#state.collected_metrics).

name_test() ->
?assertEqual(<<"things">>, name(things)),
?assertEqual(<<"things">>, name(<<"things">>)),
?assertEqual(<<"foo_bar">>, name([foo, bar])),
?assertEqual(<<"97_98_99">>, name("abc")).

make_bin_packet(Name, Tags, Fields, Timestamping, Precision) ->
binary:list_to_bin(make_packet(Name, Tags, Fields, Timestamping, Precision)).

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