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Getting Started

Clone tplino-core
git clone this repository

Initialize build enviroments in tplino-core 
(initialize it for every shell, that add bitbake and other yocto tools in your PATH )
. ./oe-init-build-env <PATH>

For perfomance, change the number of cores and threads in conf/local.conf

Add your new layer to conf/bblayers.conf:

Building Packages

To build packages first you need to setup your enviroment by sourcing
the file *oe-init-build-env* which will setup a number enviroment
variables. This should be done as "./oe-init-build-env builddir"

Building An Image
To test, that it working, try to build an image: 
NOTE: This may take a whil
bitbake core-image-tplino

To test, run
runqemu qemux86 core-image-tplino serial
