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Plugin for Solr that allows users to filter locations using the TravelTime API.

Installation & configuration

This is a standard Solr plugin. The plugin jar must be copied into the solr lib directory

To use the plugin you must add a queryParser with the class com.traveltime.plugin.solr.TravelTimeQParserPlugin or com.traveltime.plugin.solr.TimeFilterQParserPlugin. The TravelTimeQParserPlugin uses the Travel Time Matrix Fast (Proto) endpoint. This is the recommended way to use our plugin due to its very low latency and high location volume per request. The TimeFilterQParserPlugin uses the Travel Time Matrix (Time Filter) endpoint. This is more configurable and supports more countries.

These query parsers has two mandatory string configuration options:

  • app_id: this is you API app id.
  • api_key: this is the api key that corresponds to the app id.

Both query parsers also have an optional boolean filtering_disabled parameter that defaults to false. If set to true the query will not filter out any documents but will enable scoring and using the travel time field.

The TimeFilterQParserPlugin has an optional integer field location_limit which represents the maximum amount of locations that can be sent in a single request. Defaults to 2000, only increase this parameter if you API plan supports larger requests.

To display the travel times returned by the TravelTime API you must configure two more components: a valueSourceParser, one of:

<valueSourceParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.query.TravelTimeValueSourceParser" />
<valueSourceParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.query.timefilter.TimeFilterValueSourceParser" />

and a cache, one of:

<cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.ExactRequestCache"/>
<cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.ExactTimeFilterRequestCache"/>
<cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.FuzzyRequestCache" secondary_size="50000"/>
<cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.FuzzyTimeFilterRequestCache" secondary_size="50000"/>

Example time-filter/fast configuration

    <cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.FuzzyRequestCache" secondary_size="50000"/>
  <queryParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.TravelTimeQParserPlugin">
    <str name="app_id">your_app_id_here</str>
    <str name="api_key">your_api_key_here</str>
  <valueSourceParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.query.TravelTimeValueSourceParser" />

Example time-filter configuration

    <cache name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.cache.ExactTimeFilterRequestCache"/>
  <queryParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.TravelTimeQParserPlugin">
    <str name="app_id">your_app_id_here</str>
    <str name="api_key">your_api_key_here</str>
  <valueSourceParser name="traveltime" class="com.traveltime.plugin.solr.query.timefilter.TimeFilterValueSourceParser" />

Querying data using proto time-filter/fast requests

The traveltime query can only be used as a filter query, and can only be used with fields that are indexed as location. The query accepts the following (mandatory) configuration options:

  • origin: the point from which travel time will be measured. The accepted formats are:
    • "lat,lon" string
    • geohash
  • field: the document field that will be used as the destination in the TravelTime query.
  • limit: the travel time limit in seconds. Must be non-negative.
  • mode: Transportation mode used in the search. One of: pt, walking+ferry, cycling+ferry, driving+ferry.
  • country: Country code (e.g. fr, uk) of the country that the origin is in. May only be set to a country that is listed in the table for "Protocol Buffers API" at
  • (optional) requestType: type of request made to the api. Must be one of ONE_TO_MANY, MANY_TO_ONE. Defaults to ONE_TO_MANY.

The configuration options may be passed as local query parameters: ?fq={!traveltime origin=51.53,-0.15 field=coords limit=7200 mode=pt country=uk}, or as raw query parameters prefixed with "traveltime_": ?fq={!traveltime}&traveltime_origin=51.53,-0.15&traveltime_field=coords&traveltime_limit=7200&traveltime_mode=pt&traveltime_country=uk}. If a parameter is specified in both ways, the local parameter takes precedence.

Querying data using json time-filter requests

The query accepts the following configuration options:

An example query using curl:

  --data-urlencode 'q=*:*'
  --data-urlencode 'traveltime_field=coords'
  --data-urlencode 'traveltime_travel_time=3000'
  --data-urlencode 'traveltime_arrival_location={"lat":51.536067,"lng":-0.153596}'
  --data-urlencode 'traveltime_arrival_time=2022-12-19T15:00:00Z'
  --data-urlencode 'transportation={"type":"public_transport"}'
  --data-urlencode fq="{!traveltime weight=1}"

The configuration options may be passed as local query parameters, or as raw query parameters prefixed with "traveltime_". If a parameter is specified in both ways, the local parameter takes precedence.

Multiple traveltime queries in the same request

You can issue multiple traveltime queries in the same request (for example to retrieve both driving and public transport travel times). To achieve this a configuration option of prefix is available. This allows you to specify a parameter key prefix different than traveltime_. For example, for plugins configured with the prefix driving_ and walking_ you can specify the following query parameters:



Displaying travel times

To display the travel times you must configure the valueSourceParser and cache. When configured, the time can be accessed using the fl parameter: ?fl=time:traveltime(). The valueSourceParser accepts the same parameters as a query, but only in the raw query parameter form. If no travel time is found in the cache it will be returned as -1.


There are two ways a traveltime query can influence the score of a document.

  1. Filter query score: if the query is used as a filter query you can specify an additional weight parameter that is a floating point number between 1 and 0. The new document score will be computed as (1 - weight) * query score + weight * traveltime score. traveltime score is computed as (limit - time + 1) / (limit + 1), so the output is between 0 and 1, where unreachable points get a score of 0 and points with a travel time of 0 get a score of 1.
  2. Query score: To use traveltime in a regular query (q={!traveltime}) you must also use it in a filter query along with a cache. After that you can use it in scoring as any other query. The score is computed as limit / (limit + time) if the point is reachable, 0 otherwise. This produces a score in the range of [0.5, 1] for reachable points, with short traveltimes getting a relatively higher score.

Request caches

Request caches can be used to enable the valueSourceParser and to reduce request latency for some workloads. The plugin provides two request cache implementations: ExactRequestCache and FuzzyRequestCache.

ExactRequestCache uses all of the traveltime query parameters as a cache key. Therefore, changing any of the parameters will result in a cache miss. This is recommended if the cache is only needed to display the times in search results, or if the query parameters are mostly static.

FuzzyRequestCache uses only the origin and mode fields as cache keys. This cache is useful for workloads where the set of possible origin parameters is limited since it will limit the amount of API calls needed to fetch data from TravelTime. The secondary_size controls the size of each per-origin traveltime cache. It should be set to at least the number of documents returned by each query.