Deploy ECS service to a Docker image.
Download the binary, or go get:
$ go get
$ ecs-deploy --service=app --image=travisjeffery/app --tag=1.0.0
default/app-stage 2015/12/05 02:10:38 [info] --> desired: 2, pending: 0, running: 0
default/app-stage 2015/12/05 02:10:43 [info] --> desired: 1, pending: 1, running: 0
default/app-stage 2015/12/05 02:10:43 [info] --> desired: 0, pending: 0, running: 2
default/app-stage 2015/12/05 02:10:48 [info] update service succes
usage: ecs-deploy --service=SERVICE [<flags>]
Deploy ECS service.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--service=SERVICE Name of Service to update.
--task=TASK-DEF Name of Task Definition to update. Defaults to service.
--image=IMAGE Name of Docker image to run.
--tag=TAG Tag of Docker image to run.
--cluster="default" Name of ECS cluster.
--region="us-east-1" Name of AWS region.
--count=-1 Desired count of instantiations to run. Defaults to existing running count.
--nowait Disable waiting for task definitions to start running.
--version Show application version.
You can also override the default region by setting the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
environmental variable.