This service analyzes the telemetry stream, stores messages from Azure IoT Hub to DocumentDb, and generates alerts according to defined rules. The IoT stream is analyzed using a set of rules defined in the Telemetry service, and generates "alarms" when a message matches some of these rules. The alarms are also stored in DocumentDb.
We provide also a Java version of this project.
- Azure Cosmos DB account use the one created for Storage Adapter microservice
- Telemetry
- Config
- IoT Hub Manager
- Azure IoT Hub use the one created for IoT Hub Manager
- Install Docker Compose:
- Create an instance of an Azure IoT Hub
- Store the "IoT Hub" connection string in the env-vars-setup script.
- Open a terminal console into the project folder, and run these commands to start
the Telemetry Agent service
cd scripts env-vars-setup // (Bash users: ./env-vars-setup). This script creates your env. variables cd docker docker-compose up
The Docker compose configuration requires the dependencies resolved and environment variables set as described previously. You should now start seeing the stream content in the console.
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