Try ECR lifecycle policies to clean up old images.
Requires Serverless to be installed (Project currently Serverless v0.5.x)
git clone
With admin credentials for your account in the cloned directory
serverless project init
Otherwise, generate CF template and deploy resources manually with console
serverless project init -c
(Doesn't execute CF, just generates it)
Install Dependencies
cd main && npm install
Setup environment variables... (Be sure to remove the comments!)
# _meta/variables/s-variables-common.json
"project": "ecr-cleaner",
"projectBucket": "",
"domain": "ecr-cleaner",
"notificationEmail": "",
"region": "us-east-1",
"repoToClean": "ecr-cleanup-target",
"repoRegion": "us-east-1", // DEFAULT
"ecsRegion": "us-east-1", // DEFAULT
"repoAgeThreshold": 90, // DEFAULT
"awsAccountId": "123456789012",
"ecsConcurrency": 10, // DEFAULT
"apiDelay": 500 // DEFAULT
# main/s-function.json
"name": "main",
// If you want to make changes to the schedule ECR cleaner runs on
// do so here. Details on scheduled events at
"events": [{
"name" : "dailyRun",
"type": "schedule",
"config": {
"schedule": "rate(1 day)",
"enabled": true
"environment": {
"SERVERLESS_PROJECT": "${project}",
"SERVERLESS_STAGE": "${stage}",
"SERVERLESS_REGION": "${region}",
"AWS_ACCOUNT_ID": "${awsAccountId}",
"REPO_REGION": "${repoRegion}",
"ECS_REGION": "${ecsRegion}",
"REPO_AGE_THRESHOLD": "${repoAgeThreshold}",
"REPO_TO_CLEAN": "${repoToClean}"
sls dash deploy
To test and make sure things are working as you expect before deleting a whole bunch of images you can pass in a dry run options as part of the lambda event either via the console or when running locally.
# main/event.json
// Local run command: sls function run main --stage dev
Many thanks to Stephen Ennis and OffGrid Electric for their help and contributions to this project!