Print a badge in your Tmux status bar indicating the current build status for Webpack
By parsing the visible buffer of your webpack process' tmux pane, this script will print a circular badge colored to indicate whether your build failed, succeeded or is being built.
Clone this repository into a folder and note the path. This will be used in the tmux configuration.
Open your tmux configuration file (e.g. ~/.tmux.conf
) and modify or add a new entry
to customize your status line.
To add this indicator to the right-region of your status line, add the following tmux configuration:
set-option -g status-right "#[fg=colour255, bg=colour237] #(/path/to/tmux-webpack-status-indicator/"
Adjust the specified path to match the directory where this repository is cloned.
To ensure this script runs continually, adjust your status line refresh interval:
set -g status-interval 2
A more complete example may look like the following:
# Refresh status line every x seconds
set -g status-interval 1
# Customize status line
set-option -g status-right "\
#[fg=colour2] \
#[fg=colour255, bg=colour237] #(/path/to/tmux-webpack-status-indicator/ \
#[fg=colour246, bg=colour237] %b %d %y \
#[fg=colour107] %I:%M %p \
#[bg=colour237] π \
#[fg=colour248, bg=colour237]"