Post Generator. Random lorem ipsum title/content. Intended for use with Image Gen (though not required).
wp post-gen create <number>
Includes text files with lorem ipsum for randomizing title and content. Image is generated, set as featured image, and attached to post. Image generated with post title.
is currently the only subcommand available, there are 4 options it always accepts. If Image Gen is available, you'll get most of those options too (numbers will work, text will not do as expected, will fix after sleeeeeeeeeeep).
wp post-gen create <count> [--post_type=<type>] [--post_status=<status>]
[--paragraphs=<paragraphs>] [--noimage]
[--days-offset=<days-offset>] [--hours-offset=<hours-offset>]
[--img-width=<img-width>] [--img-height=<img-height>]
[--img-lowgrey=<img-lowgrey>] [--img-highgrey=<img-highgrey>]
[--img-alpha=<img-alpha>] [--img-blurintensity=<img-blurintensity>]
[--img-filename=<img-filename>] [--img-text=<img-text>]
[--img-linespacing=<img-linespacing>] [--img-textsize=<img-textsize>]
[--img-font=<img-font>] [--img-fontcolor=<img-fontcolor>]
If Image-Gen ( is installed,
all `wp image-gen create` options are accepted when prefixed with 'img-'
Number of posts
The type of the generated posts, default post
The status of the generated posts, default publish
Single number or range, default 4,7
No image
Number of days in past to offset new posts or range, default 1,300,5
Number of hours in past to offset new posts or range, default 1,24
Width for the image in pixels, default 1000
Height for the image in pixels, default 800
Lower grey value (0-255), default 150
Higher grey value (0-255), default 150
Alpha transparancy (0-127), default 0
How often to apply the blur effect, default 2
old value
Text to place on the image, default generated post title
Linespacing in pixels, default 10
Text size in pixels, default 40
Path to font true type file, default
Font color. Either RGB as an array or a hexcode string, default array(0,
80, 80),
wp post-gen create 10 --img-lowgrey=20,140 --img-highgrey=160,220 --img-width=1300