A LiveCode Builder wrapper around libmosquitto. This project was created for the LiveCode Builder Foreign Function Interface Workshop at the LiveCode 2019 conference in San Jose, California.
API docs: https://mosquitto.org/api/files/mosquitto-h.html
To test this project in LiveCode:
- Open the Extension Builder from the Tools menu.
- Load the mosquitto.lcb file and load it into the IDE. This article shows where the button is for testing an LCB file: http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4071/l/1035188-how-to-use-the-extension-builder
- Open the mostquitto_test.livecode stack in the IDE.
- Click the Check libMosquitto Version button to verify that the mosquitto extension has been properly loaded.
- Click Initialize
- Click Connect
- Click Subscribe
- Enter a message in the field next to the Publish button and then click Publish. You should see the message appear in the field to the right.
- Get a friend to do the same thing and you can send messages to each other.
- When you are done click the Cleanup button. LiveCode will crash if you quit without cleaning up after the mosquitto extension.