Haskell SDK for Paynow Zimbabwe's API
This library has a set of prerequisites that must be met for it to work
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.Payments.Paynow as Paynow
# Do stuff
defaultConfig :: PaynowConfig
defaultConfig = defaultProdConfig "1201"
client <- newPaynowClient config
payment <- newExpressCheckout (Ecocash "0779800700") "45" 37.50 "email" Nothing
result <- processTx payment
case result of
Left e => //handle err
Right r => //handle result r :: PaynowTxResult
Create a new payment passing in the reference for that payment (e.g invoice id, or anything that you can use to identify the transaction and the user's email address
Express Transactions
testVMCDetails :: VMC
testVMCDetails = VMC (Card "4111111111111111" "588" "2023" "Trevor Sibanda") (BillingAddress "Address Line 1" "Line 2" "City" "Zimbabwe" Nothing)
payment <- newExpressCheckout client (OneMoney "0783102754") testRef testAmount testEmail Nothing
payment <- newExpressCheckout client (Ecocash "0715900800") testRef testAmount testEmail Nothing
payment <- newExpressCheckout client (VisaMastercard testVMCDetails) testRef testAmount testEmail Nothing
The SDK exposes a handy method that you can use to check the status of a transaction. Once you have instantiated the Paynow class.
tx <- newPollTransaction "https://www.paynow.co.zw/Interface/CheckPayment/?guid=dece867e-5a40-4961-bf0e-5d691c2a97f8"
processtx tx >>= print