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Turnkey Packer templates for downloading Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu images on Proxmox (PVE) and creating PVE templates.


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Packer Proxmox Templates

Turnkey Packer templates for downloading Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu images on Proxmox (PVE) and creating PVE templates - see below for details on CentOS.

# create a SSH key for Packer
ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/packer_id_ed25519 -C "Packer"

# clone the repo & cd into it
git clone
cd packer-proxmox-templates

# initialize packer
packer init common/.

# choose a distro
cd ubuntu

# create the PVE templates
packer build \
-var='pve_api_url=' \
-var='pve_node=pve' \
-var='pve_username=packer@pve!token' \
-var='pve_token=782a7700-4010-4802-8f4d-820f1b226850' \

NOTE: The default user is the distributions name, e.g. ubuntu, with the exception of CentOS being cloud-user. Cloud-init will create a default user on all cloned VMs, must add SSH key(s) and/or password in the Proxmox GUI cloud-init settings to access the VM - SSH only accepts key based authentication. All images have cloud-init, openssh-server and qemu-guest-agent installed.

NOTE: All images are built using only the root user, no default users are created during the build. We suggest creating a temporary SSH key-pair for Packer to use, i.e. packer_id_ed25519. This key is removed from the root account prior to finishing the build. After the build, root SSH access is disabled.

ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/packer_id_ed25519 -C "Packer"

Repo Layout

  • Common files are stored in common/, with each distribution folder containing symlinks to these files.

  • cloud-init, kickstart, and preseed configurations are stored within the configs/ folder and are distribution-specific.

  • The template/ folder is useful for generating new build configurations, as it:

    • Contains symlinks to the common files.
    • An file for overwriting the default variable values.
      • Note: If you clone or fork this repo, .gitignore is set to ignore other .auto.pkrvars.hcl files.
    • An example build section in template.pkr.hcl with multiple approaches.

Grant Packer Access to Proxmox

# create role
pveum role add PackerUser --privs "Datastore.AllocateSpace Datastore.AllocateTemplate Datastore.Audit Sys.Audit Sys.Modify VM.Allocate VM.Audit VM.Clone VM.Config.CDROM VM.Config.Cloudinit VM.Config.CPU VM.Config.Disk VM.Config.HWType VM.Config.Memory VM.Config.Network VM.Config.Options VM.Console VM.Monitor VM.PowerMgmt"

# create group
pveum group add packer-users

# add permissions
pveum acl modify / -group packer-users -role PackerUser

# create user 'packer'
pveum useradd packer@pve -groups packer-users

# generate a token
pveum user token add packer@pve token -privsep 0

The last command will output a token value similar to the following:

│ key          │ value                                │
│ full-tokenid │ packer@pve!token                     │
│ info         │ {"privsep":"0"}                      │
│ value        │ 782a7700-4010-4802-8f4d-820f1b226850 │

Packer Commands

Initialize Packer:

packer init common/.

With the symlinked common files, Packer commands work within each linux folder:

cd ubuntu
packer fmt .
packer init .
packer validate .

Distro folders typically contain multiple images, you can limit the build by adding the -except= or -only= flag. Example passing Proxmox credentials:

cd ubuntu
# build all images
packer build \
-var='pve_api_url=' \
-var='pve_node=node01' \
-var='pve_username=packer@pve!token' \
-var='pve_token=782a7700-4010-4802-8f4d-820f1b226850' \

# build a single image
packer build \
-var='pve_api_url=' \
-var='pve_node=node01' \
-var='pve_username=packer@pve!token' \
-var='pve_token=782a7700-4010-4802-8f4d-820f1b226850' \
-only=proxmox-iso.ubuntu20 \

Important Variables

All variables can be redefined using a *.auto.pkrvars.hcl file, see example file: Reminder: .gitignoreis set to ignore other .auto.pkrvars.hcl files, so storing your personal values in a new file,, inside each distribution's directory will be ignored by git.

Variable Default Description Required Plugin Variable Equivalent
pve_api_url String, Proxmox URL Yes proxmox_url
pve_node pve String, Proxmox target node for ISOs and templates Yes node
pve_username String, Proxmox username for Packer Yes username
pve_token String, Proxmox token value for Packer Yes token
iso_download_pve true Boolean, All ISOs are downloaded to Proxmox No
cloud_init true Boolean, Attach a cloud-init drive No cloud_init
cloud_init_storage_pool local-lvm String, Proxmox storage pool to use for cloud-init drive No cloud_init_storage_pool
scsi_controller virtio-scsi-pci String, SCSI controller model No
disk_type scsi String, Storage bus/device No type
disk_storage_pool local-lvm String, Storage pool name No storage_pool
disk_cache_mode writeback String, Storage cache mode No cache_mode
disk_discard false Boolean, Enable Discard/TRIM support No discard
disk_ssd false Boolean, Enable SSD emulation No ssd
net_bridge vmbr0 String, NIC name No bridge
net_model virtio String, NIC type No model
net_vlan_tag 1 String, NIC VLAN tag No vlan_tag


NOTE: We suggest creating a temporary SSH key-pair for Packer to use during the build, i.e. packer_id_ed25519. This key is removed from the root account prior to finishing the build. Alternatively, you can use a pre-existing key and set: ssh_keypair_name, ssh_private_key_file and ssh_public_key_file. Example key generation:

ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/packer_id_ed25519 -C "Packer"
Variable Default Description Required
ssh_username root String, SSH user for Packer build, used by SSH communicator No
ssh_password password String, SSH user password for Packer build (Debian only) No
ssh_timeout 20m String, Packer SSH timeout No
ssh_clear_authorized_keys true Boolean, Remove the Packer SSH key from /root/.ssh/authorized_keys No
ssh_keypair_name packer_id_ed25519 String, SSH key name for Packer to use Yes
ssh_private_key_file ~/.ssh/packer_id_ed25519 String, Private SSH key for Packer Yes
ssh_public_key_file ~/.ssh/ String, Public SSH key for Packer Yes


VM IDs, vm_id, default to 0 and will use the next free value from Proxmox. If you would like to fix these values create a *.auto.pkrvars.hcl within each OS folder (HCL type: map(numeric)):

vm_id = {
  "ubuntu20" = 9020
  "ubuntu22" = 9022
  "ubuntu24" = 9024

Other Variables

See iso-vars.pkr.hcl and pve-vars.pkr.hcl

Distro Configurations


  • The default user is cloud-user, update the username, ssh key(s), and/or password using the Proxmox cloud-init GUI.

  • CentOS kickstart file (link)

  • Important: CentOS URLs and checksums are intentionally not provided, as bandwidth is limited and ISOs are not available from To set a mirror create an auto vars file, centos/, and add the closest geographic mirror from the list: CentOS 9 Stream Mirrors or Fedora Mirror Manager. Alternatively, create your own installation tree: CentOS Docs - Creating Installation Sources for Kickstart.

    Variable Default Description Required
    iso_url '' Map(string), URL Yes
    iso_checksum '' Map(string), prepend URL with file: Yes
    centos_install_url '' Map(string), URL - single source, not a mirror list Yes
    centos_mirror_appstream '' Map(string), URL - mirror list, if set packages will be updated on install No
    centos_mirror_baseos '' Map(string), URL - mirror list, if set packages will be updated on install No
    centos_mirror_extras '' Map(string), URL - mirror list, if set packages will be updated on install No
    centos_install_url = {
      "centos8" = ""
      "centos9" = ""
    iso_url = {
      "centos8" = ""
      "centos9" = ""
    iso_checksum = {
      "centos8" = "file:"
      "centos9" = "file:"


  • The default user is fedora, update the username, ssh key(s), and/or password using the Proxmox cloud-init GUI.

  • Fedora kickstart file (link)

  • Note: Kickstart files are stored on the image at /root/*-ks.cfg

  • Installed packages are based on the group server-product-environment, consisting of:

    • Groups: core, server-product, standard
    • Packages: qemu-guest-agent
    • Excluding:
      • container-management: buildah, CNI and podman
      • hardware-support: Intel wireless cards (in core), Thunderbolt, Marvell and Netronome NICs
      • headless-management: cockpit pkgs and openssh-server
    $ dnf group info server-product-environment
    Environment Group: Server
    Description: An integrated, easy-to-manage server.
    Mandatory Groups:
      Container Management
      Hardware Support
      Headless Management
      Server product core


  • The default user is debian, update the username, ssh key(s), and/or password using the Proxmox cloud-init GUI.
  • Debian preseed file (link)


  • The default user is ubuntu, update the username, ssh key(s), and/or password using the Proxmox cloud-init GUI.

  • Ubuntu cloud-config file (link)

  • Setting apt_proxy_http and/or apt_proxy_https, creates a proxy file at /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90curtin-aptproxy. Set using format: "https://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/", also possible to set value of "DIRECT" when using Apt-Cacher NG.

    Variable Default Description Required
    apt_proxy_http '' String, APT proxy URL for Ubuntu. Default value skips setting proxy No
    apt_proxy_https '' String, APT proxy URL for Ubuntu. Default value skips setting proxy No
  • Result of setting apt_proxy_http="" and apt_proxy_https="DIRECT":

    # /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90curtin-aptproxy
    Acquire::http::proxy "";
    Acquire::https::proxy "DIRECT";

Maintainers & License

Taylor Fore (@trfore)



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