Scan and verify Green Pass QR code, using the Israel Ministry of Health RSA or ECDSA public keys.
No data is sent anywhere, signature verification is done entirely off-line
in the browser.
In any case, don't put sensitive data into this page without reading the code first!
Live demo is accessible as
Based on the details and verification code provided by Ministry of Health in, and on the reverse-engeering work done by Yuval Adam in
QR Code scanning by
Hard-coded Ministry of Health public keys (see RAMZOR_PUBLIC_KEYS_PEM in the code) are from -
- RSA public key -
- ECDSA public key for most certificates - derived from a few signatures using
- ECDSA public key for "fast" medical certificates - derived from a few signatures using
A PEM public key can be extracted from a DER certificate using -
openssl x509 -pubkey -in XXX.der -inform der -outform pem -noout
Initialize node
npm install
Generate package for distribution using webpack
, into output directory dist
npm run build
Watch for changes are re-generate output -
npm run watch
directory is automatically deployed to dist
branch by a GitHub action,
on every push to master