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Simple Shutdown Tracker


A Python-based Telegram bot that monitors power outages for users by checking URLs and IPv4 addresses at regular intervals. This project is designed to be:

  • User-friendly: Easy to set up and use for monitoring critical infrastructure or personal internet connectivity.
  • Configurable: Supports adding and managing URLs/IP addresses, allowing customization based on individual needs.
  • Informative: Provides detailed outage reports, including duration, start/end times, and historical data.

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites:

  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd power-outage-tracker-router
  3. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • Create a .env file in the project's root directory with the following line, replacing <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN> with your actual Telegram bot token:


    Important: Do not commit the .env file to your Git repository.

  4. Run the Bot in Docker:

    docker compose up -d --build
  5. View Logs: Use docker logs powerbot to view the bot's logs.

Using the Bot

  1. Add the Bot to Your Telegram Chat

    Use the Telegram app to search for @your_bot_username (replace with your bot's username) and start a chat with it.

  2. Start Monitoring URLs or IP Addresses

    Use the following commands:

    • /start: Initiates the bot and provides instructions.
    • /set_url <URL>: Adds a URL to the monitoring list (maximum of 2 URLs allowed).
    • /set_ip <IP_ADDRESS>: Adds an IPv4 address to the monitoring list (maximum of 2 IP addresses allowed).
    • /list_urls: Lists all monitored URLs.
    • /list_ips: Lists all monitored IP addresses.
    • /delete_url <URL>: Removes a URL from the monitoring list.
    • /delete_ip <IP_ADDRESS>: Removes an IP address from the monitoring list.

Additional Features

  • Weekly Reports: On Sundays at 11 PM (UTC), the bot sends weekly outage reports for each monitored entity, detailing shutdown counts, average length, longest and shortest shutdowns, and total downtime.


  • The maximum number of URLs and IP addresses that can be monitored is configurable in the MAX_URLS and MAX_IPS constants in the file (default: 2).
  • The monitoring interval (in seconds) is configurable in the MONITORING_INTERVAL constant in (default: 60 seconds).
  • Logging levels and behavior can be adjusted in the logging configuration within
  • The container's time zone can be set using the -e TZ=Europe/Kiev option during docker run (example: Europe/Kiev).

The provided Dockerfile creates a minimal image based on python:3.9-slim:


Simple power outage tracker



