Retro game sokoban clone made in Go! Created by tristangoossens.
Please star this repository to help my project grow!
Here is a screenshot of sokoban's titlescreen!
Screenshot of sokoban's first level!
First of all you will need Go, you can find more information here.
When you have installed Go, you will need to install the game:
git clone
Then play it using the following command:
go run run.go
Or build and run using the following:
go build run.go
- Implement support for multiple crates and goals.
- (Could)Read levels from 1 file(instead of 20).
- Get rid of unnecessary variables.
- Clean up code.
- Add more levels(goal is around 30, more for v3).
- Create a new UI to support bigger levels.
- (Could)Add soundeffects for events.
- Add new functionality. (v3)
- Teleporter.
- Player trap.
- One Way Wall.
- Implement a level selection ui. (v3)
- Implement save current level button.
- (Should)Add a timer to the gamescreen to time your best times.
- (Should)Save your best time to a markdown file(table).
- Add test files for all game files (v3)
- Start from last saved level.
Feel free to help me add the functions above with a pull request!