This is a collection of data structures that are all meant as drop-in replacements for SplayTreeMap from the dart:collection library.
It started because I was curious if the idea behind the Sorted Container module ( would translate to performant Dart. If so, this would lead to a much more memory efficient alternative to SplayTreeMap. Early trials revealed that it was indeed possible to beat SplayTreeMap on most metrics. However, the two-layer idea from the Python project was not the fastest option. Thus, the search continues.
Because it's fun to write data structures, and always a good idea to see how the theoretical ideas stack up in practice.
Easy now. So far, only a couple of data structures have been implemented. Currently, the best contender is BPlusTreeMap. On most of the benchmark (depending on input size), it is between 50% and 100% faster than SplayTreeMap and currently uses the same amount of memory. This is due to change, when I swap out the growable lists for fixed lists.