This package is a web component written using Lit to provide simple tools for writing markdown in the browser.
Most markdown tools are very complicated; this component aims to offer a very unsophisticated solution.
This package uses Lit as a basis for the web component.
The icons used in this element are from Google Fonts.
This component can be used out of the box in browsers that support import maps:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"lit": "",
"lit/decorators.js": "",
"@lit/reactive-element": "",
"@lit/reactive-element/": "",
"lit-markdown-editor": ""
<script type="module">
import "lit-markdown-editor";
This element can be used in a Lit building environment as shown below:
import { LitElement, html, PropertyValueMap } from "lit";
import { customElement, query, state } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { resolveMarkdown } from "lit-markdown";
import "lit-markdown-editor";
export class MyElement extends LitElement {
private textarea!: HTMLTextAreaElement;
private raw = "";
firstUpdated(_changedProperties: PropertyValueMap<unknown> | Map<PropertyKey, unknown>) {
this.textarea.addEventListener("input", this.handleTextareaInput);
private handleTextareaInput: EventListener = () => {
const { value } = this.textarea;
if (!value) return;
this.raw = value.trim();
render() {
return html`<label for="markdown">Input</label
><lit-markdown-editor name="markdown" id="markdown"></lit-markdown-editor>
<article>${resolveMarkdown(this.raw, { includeImages: true })}</article>`;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
"my-element": MyElement;
You may also extend this element class in Lit and customize the buttons:
import { LitMarkdownEditor } from "lit-markdown-editor";
import { html } from "lit";
export class CustomMarkdownEditor extends LitMarkdownEditor {
render() {
return html`
<input @input=${this.handleFileInput} id="add-file" type="file" hidden accept="image/*" />
<li @click=${this.handleHeaderClick} id="h1">H1</li>
<li @click=${this.handleHeaderClick} id="h2">H2</li>
<li @click=${this.handleHeaderClick} id="h3">H3</li>
<li @click=${this.handleHeaderClick} id="h4">H4</li>
<li @click=${this.handleHeaderClick} id="h5">H5</li>
<li @click=${this.handleModifierClick} id="i"><em>i</em></li>
<li @click=${this.handleModifierClick} id="b"><strong>B</strong></li>
<li @click=${this.handleTemplateClick} id="table">
<li @click=${this.handleTemplateClick} id="link">
<li @click=${this.handleAddPictureClick} style="position: relative;">
? html`<loading-icon small black></loading-icon>`
: html`<new-picture-icon></new-picture-icon>`}
<textarea name=${} autocomplete="off" @drop=${this.handleDrop}></textarea>
<slot name="input"></slot>
You can load initial values by dumping text data inside the <lit-markdown-editor></lit-markdown-editor>
<lit-markdown-editor name="markdown" id="markdown">
# Rick and Morty _Wub a lub a dub dub!_ **speaks to my soul**.
<lit-markdown-editor name="markdown" id="markdown"></lit-markdown-editor>
const editor = document.querySelector("lit-markdown-editor");
const cache = window.localStorage.getItem("cache");
if (cache) {
editor.innerHTML = cache;
The add image button will add your image as a data object string by default.
If you wish to change the logic of the add image button, please create a custom class and modify the protected provideFileURL
function, returning a Promise of the URL of the image you added.