lh-tags is a ctags wrapper plugin for Vim.
This plugin has two features:
- The generation of
files is simplified, - and tag selection is simplified (the support for overloads (when
overloading is supported) is more ergonomic than what
- Is portable: the plugin is regularly used on nixes, windows (with or without
cygwin, and with
on). - Is incremental: when a file under the watch of lh-tags is modified, only
this file is parsed -- its previous information is deleted from the current
file. - Can be run on the while project, when needed
- Is, of course, parametrisable.
- Presents all tags that match the selected text (
), or the pattern used (:LHTags
). - Can hide, or show, functions signatures (on
). - Permits to sort the results by
ame, orF
ilename. - Can filter the results on any (ctags) field (kind, name, filename, signature, namespace, ...)
- The selected tag can be jumped to in the current window (
, double-click), or in a split window (o
) -- the tags stack is updated along the way.
In order to use lh-tags, I highly recommend to use a plugin like local_vimrc.
In the buffer local section, you'll have to:
- adjust
if the default values don't suit you -- I often add exclusion lists in my projects. - set
to the project root directory -- when my projects are compiled with CMake+whatever I use the variables from CMake encapsulation of BuildToolsWrapper to setb:tags_dirname
For instance, a typical _vimrc_local.vim
file will contain:
" Local vimrc variable for source dir
let b:project_sources_dir = g:FooBarProject_config.paths.sources
" ======================[ tags generation {{{2
" lh#path#fix() comes from lh-vim-lib
let b:tags_dirname = lh#path#fix(b:project_sources_dir)
let b:tags_options = ' --exclude="*.dox" --exclude="html" --exclude="*.xml" --exclude="*.xsd" --exclude=".*sw*"'
let b:tags_options .= ' --exclude="*.txt" --exclude="cmake" --exclude="*.cmake" --exclude="*.o" --exclude="*.os" --exclude="*.tags" --exclude=tags --exclude="*.tar"'
exe 'setlocal tags+='.(b:tags_dirname).'/tags'
Then, you'll have to generate the tags
database once (<C-X>ta
), then you
can enjoy lh-tag automagic update of the database, and improved tag selection.
defaults to empty string for the current directory; you'll have to set this option to the root of your project(bg):tags_options
defaults to empty string; you'll have to adjust these options to your needs.(bg):tags_options_{ft}
defaults to:- c:
'--c++-kinds=+p --fields=+imaS --extra=+q'
- cpp:
'--c++-kinds=+p --fields=+imaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++'
- vim:
'--fields=+mS --extra=+q'
- c:
defaults to'tags'
; in case you want yourtags
file to have another name.(bg):tags_executable
defaults toctags
; you should not need to change it.(bg):tags_must_go_recursive
defaults to 1; set it to 0 if you really want to not explore subdirectories.(bg):tags_select
defaults to'expand('<cword>')'
; this policy says how the current word under the cursor is selected by normal mode mappingMETA-W-META-DOWN
defaults to 0; set it to 1 if you want to disable the automatic incremental update.(bg):tags_to_spellfile
defaults to empty string; this option permits to add all the tags to Vim spellchecker ignore list.
" #### In _vimrc_local.vim
" spell files
setlocal spellfile=
exe 'setlocal spellfile+='.lh#path#fix(b:project_sources_dir).'/ignore.utf-8.add'
let b:tags_to_spellfile = 'code-symbols.utf-8.add'
exe 'setlocal spellfile+='.lh#path#fix(b:project_sources_dir.'/'.b:tags_to_spellfile)
The tags for the current file can be explicitly updated with
-- this mappings defaults to<Plug>CtagsUpdateCurrent
All the tags for the current project can be explicitly updated with
-- this mappings defaults to<Plug>CtagsUpdateAll
Tags matching the current word (or selection) will be presented on
-- these two mappings default to<Plug>CtagsSplitOpen
We can also present the tags that match a pattern with
command (this command supports auto-completion on tag names)
- Auto-magically build
from other variables (&tags
with a compatible tags file specified with an absolute path, or root VCS directory) - This feature will require background generation for the first time.
- Have behaviour similar to the one from the quickfix mode (possibility to close and reopen the search window; prev&next moves)
- Show/hide declarations -- merge declaration and definitions
- pluggable filters (that will check the number of parameters, their type, etc)
- Requirements: Vim 7.+, lh-vim-lib v3.3.0
- With vim-addon-manager, install lh-tags (this is the preferred method because of the dependencies)
ActivateAddons lh-tags
- or with vim-flavor which also supports dependencies
flavor 'LucHermitte/lh-tags'
- or you can clone the git repositories
git clone git@github.com:LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib.git
git clone git@github.com:LucHermitte/lh-tags.git
- or with Vundle/NeoBundle:
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-tags'