Trackex is a personal expense manager built in a flutter with firebase as database, It user firebase email pass auth for authentication and firestore as storage
- Clone it and unlock magic of flutter and firestore
- Easy interface
- Daily transaction list
- Monthaly transaction
- Analytics
Trackex uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
Trackex requires Flutter v2.0+ to run.
follow this step for quick setup.
git clone
cd Trackex
flutter doctor
flutter pub get
flutter run
For production environments...
git clone
set path="path to flutter/bin"
Trackex is currently extended with the following plugins. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.
Plugin |
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 |
flutter_icons: ^1.1.0 |
page_transition: ^1.1.7+6 |
animated_bottom_navigation_bar: ^0.2.1 |
fl_chart: ^0.12.2 |
percent_indicator: "^2.1.7+2" |
firebase_auth: ^1.0.3 |
cloud_firestore: ^1.0.4 |
provider: ^5.0.0 |
firebase_core: ^1.0.3 |
date_time_picker: ^2.0.0 |
shared_preferences: ^2.0.5 |
firebase_storage: ^8.0.3 |
image_picker: ^0.7.4 |
image_cropper: ^1.4.0 |
cached_network_image: ^2.5.0 |
Follow and Contact us @
Github | |
Jemis Goti | View |
SopheaMen Van | View |
Free Software, Hell Yeah!