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Configuration Options

trptcolin edited this page Apr 25, 2013 · 1 revision

Any documentation I put here is bound to go out of date, so running this code is your best bet to be sure you have the latest bits:

(let [[opts _ output] (reply.main/parse-args "")] 
  (clojure.pprint/pprint opts) 
  (println output))

That said, here's what the current options are:


{:help false,
 :skip-default-init false,
 :custom-prompt nil,
 :history-file nil,
 :standalone false,
 :custom-eval nil,
 :attach nil,
 :color false,
 :subsequent-prompt nil,
 :custom-init nil,
 :port nil}

Command Line

 Switches                                     Default  Desc
 --------                                     -------  ----
 -h, --no-help, --help                        false    Show this help screen
 -e, --eval, --custom-eval                             Provide a custom form to evaluate in the user ns
 -i, --init, --custom-init                             Provide a Clojure file to evaluate in the user ns
 --no-standalone, --standalone                false    Launch standalone mode instead of the default nREPL
 --no-color, --color                          false    Use color; currently only available with nREPL
 --no-skip-default-init, --skip-default-init  false    Skip the default initialization code
 --history-file                                        Provide a path for the history file
 --prompt, --custom-prompt                             Provide a custom prompt function
 --subsequent-prompt                                   Provide a custom subsequent prompt function
 --attach                                              Attach to an existing nREPL session on this port or host:port
 --port                                                Start new nREPL server on this port
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