This library helps you easily upload screenshots of your app that contains localizable strings to your OneSky project.
- Supported for WP8.1 and W10 UWP apps.
- Strings assigned through Bindings, Uid or code-behind are detected.
- Formatted strings
are also supported, however the logic can be improved. - Viewport visibility is handled, (i.e If you take screenshot while on first tab, strings in other tabs are ignored).
- Strings in
are currently NOT handled.
NOTE: This library is not designed for distribution on Windows Store
so remember to remove before submission.
To include the library only for Debug
builds, modify your App's csproj
file like this
<Import Project="..\OneSkyApp.Screenshot\OneSkyApp.Screenshot.projitems" Label="Shared" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" />
- Download Zip from this GitHub repository.
- Extract archive and add
project into your solution. - Add reference to
OneSkyApp.Screenshot shared project
in your root project. - Add
to your root project
In your App.xaml.cs
file, import the library:
using OneSkyApp.Screenshot;
Add following code in OnLaunched()
await OneSkyScreenshotHelper.StartCapturingAsync(ONESKY_API_KEY, ONESKY_API_SECRET, ONESKY_PROJECT_ID, "Resources.resw");
can be found in Site Settings under API Keys & Usage on OneSky Web Admin.
can be found under All Projects page.