This is a bunch of initial config. This will include a set of configs to be applied in the BSP.
- nodejs
- openssl
- make
- gcc
- sysstat (we just use sar)
- python2 (? - TBD)
- python2-distribute
- python2-pyopenssl
- jdk (? TBD)
- git (for testing ... will consider leaving this in)
pacman -S openssl gcc nodejs make
NPM Modules:
- forever (install in global)
- forever-webui (npm package is busted, use BETA, off HEAD of , wget , install dependencies, access on port 8085
- sm (XXX TBD, may need this to get a decent cloud9ide install done)
- -> /root/spdist/dhcpd-pool-0.2/
- Standard root password: root // XXX CHANGE ME
- .bashrc in /root is used
- set default root PATH to include ~/root/bin
- 80 (SMILE and JS.js) - We really need to put all of this behind a reverse proxy
- 8008 (TTY.js)
- 8085 (forever-webui)
- 9023 (NIDE)
- 9080 (plugmin WS/Web UI)
- 5000 (epochedu)
Python Modules:
- curl -O
- sudo python
- sudo easy_install pip
- sudo pip install virtualenv
- sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
- tornado
- kerberos
Additional Software:
- GateOne:, forked on : (need to evaluate this Affereo GPL)
- virtualenv goenv
- . ./goenv/bin/activate
- pip install tornado
- pip install kerberos
I've also added for testing:
- iperf
- ntop
- afps-fs (may consider adding this to above list)
Some manual commands to run in the configuration of a new BSP based on arch:
# This generates the /usr/lib/ufw/user.conf commands used to store the rules
ufw allow from
ufw allow from