FortiusANT enables a pre-smart Tacx trainer (usb- or ANT-connected) to communicate with TrainerRoad, Rouvy or Zwift through ANT.
FortiusANT is running on the computer (Windows, Linux or MacOS) where the trainer is connected and broadcasts the ANT+ signal, using a dongle, to another computer or tablet. You might also run TrainerRoad or Zwift on the same computer and then two ANT+ dongles on the same computer are required.
USB: Tacx Flow, Fortius, i-Flow, i-Magic with T1902, T1904, T1932, T1942 head units
ANT: Tacx i-Vortex, Genius, Bushido (with T1982 head unit)
Bushido support is still experimental at this time (please consider providing feedback in WouterJD#117).
Communication with a Cycling Training Program (CTP) can be done using an ANT- or BLE-dongle (BLE = Bluetooth Low Energy)
The CTP can be run on another computer or Smartphone.
ANT dongles made by CYCPLUS (identical-looking ones sold as Anself and probably others) have been known to cause problems. Refer to issue #61 (#97, #207 and others)
Refer wiki first, then ask questions raising an issue. Succes!
Copyright (c) 2020 Wouter Dubbeldam. Please have a look at the LICENSE for more details.