A Rust node implemented based on the Erlang distributed protocol.
cd crates/server/examples
to run the following example.
Running server or client depends on the epmd, so we need to start epmd first. Find the path where epmd is located, then run the following command:
${epmd_path} -daemon
/usr/lib64/erlang/erts-14.1.1/bin/epmd -daemon
Please follow the steps below.
Open a terminal run the following command to start a rust node.
cargo run --example server
for TLS
cargo run --example server --features rustls
Open a terminal run the following command to connect the rust node.
iex --sname a --cookie aaa client.exs
for TLS
iex --sname a --cookie aaa --erl "-proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_optfile `pwd`/ssl-rust.conf" client.exs
Please follow the steps below.
Open a terminal run the following command to start a elixir node.
iex --sname a --cookie aaa server.exs
for TLS
iex --sname a --cookie aaa --erl "-proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_optfile `pwd`/ssl-rust.conf" server.exs
Open a terminal run the following command to connect the elixir node.
cargo run --example client
for TLS
cargo run --example client --features rustls