A small collection of useful array functions.
import * as arrayUtil from '@tsdotnet/array-utility'
* Checks to see where the provided array contains an item/value.
* If the array value is null, then -1 is returned.
* @param array
* @param item
* @param {function?} equalityComparer
* @returns {number}
export function indexOf<T> (
array: ArrayLike<T>,
item: T,
equalityComparer: EqualityComparison<T> = areEqual
): number
* Checks to see if the provided array contains an item.
* If the array value is null, then false is returned.
* @param array
* @param item
* @param {function?} equalityComparer
* @returns {boolean}
export function contains<T> (
array: ArrayLike<T>,
item: T,
equalityComparer: EqualityComparison<T> = areEqual
): boolean
* Finds and replaces a value from an array. Will replaces all instances unless a maximum is specified.
* @param array
* @param old
* @param newValue
* @param max
* @returns {number}
export function replace<T> (
array: ArrayLikeWritable<T>,
old: T,
newValue: T,
max: number = Infinity
): number
* Replaces values of an array across a range of indexes.
* @param array
* @param value
* @param start
* @param stop
export function updateRange<T> (
array: ArrayLike<T>,
value: T,
start: number = 0,
stop?: number
): void
* Clears (sets to null) values of an array across a range of indexes.
* @param array
* @param start
* @param stop
export function clearEach (
array: ArrayLikeWritable<any>,
start: number = 0,
stop?: number
): void
* Ensures a value exists within an array. If not found, adds to the end.
* @param array
* @param item
* @param {function?} equalityComparer
* @returns {boolean}
export function register<T> (
array: ArrayLikeWritable<T>,
item: T,
equalityComparer: EqualityComparison<T> = areEqual
): boolean
* Returns the first index of which the provided predicate returns true.
* Returns -1 if always false.
* @param array
* @param predicate
* @returns {number}
export function findIndex<T> (
array: ArrayLike<T>,
predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>
): number
* Allows for using "false" to cause forEach to break.
* Can also be applied to a structure that indexes like an array, but may not be.
* @param source
* @param action
export function forEach<T> (
source: ArrayLike<T>,
action: ActionWithIndex<T> | PredicateWithIndex<T>
): void
* Is similar to Array.map() but instead of returning a new array, it updates the existing indexes.
* Can also be applied to a structure that indexes like an array, but may not be.
* @param target
* @param fn
export function applyTo<T> (
target: ArrayLikeWritable<T>,
fn: SelectorWithIndex<T, T>
): void
* Removes an entry at a specified index.
* @param array
* @param index
* @returns {boolean} True if the value was able to be removed.
export function removeIndex<T> (
array: T[],
index: number
): boolean
* Finds and removes a value from an array. Will remove all instances unless a maximum is specified.
* @param array
* @param value
* @param max
* @param {function?} equalityComparer
* @returns {number} The number of times the value was found and removed.
export function remove<T> (
array: T[],
value: T,
max: number = Infinity,
equalityComparer: EqualityComparison<T> = areEqual
): number
* Simply repeats a value the number of times specified.
* @param element
* @param count
* @returns {T[]}
export function repeat<T> (
element: T,
count: number
): T[]
* Returns a range of numbers based upon the first value and the step value.
* @param first
* @param count
* @param step
* @returns {number[]}
export function range (
first: number,
count: number,
step: number = 1
): number[]
* Returns a range of numbers based upon the first value and the step value excluding any numbers at or beyond the until value.
* @param first
* @param until
* @param step
* @returns {number[]}
export function rangeUntil (
first: number,
until: number,
step: number = 1
): number[]
* Returns a unique reduced set of values.
* @param source
export function distinct (source: string[] | null): string[];
export function distinct (source: number[] | null): number[];
* Takes any arrays within an array and inserts the values contained within in place of that array.
* For every count higher than 0 in recurseDepth it will attempt an additional pass. Passing Infinity will flatten all arrays contained.
* @param a
* @param recurseDepth
* @returns {any[]}
export function flatten (
a: any[],
recurseDepth: number = 0
): any[]
arrayInit as init
arrayCopy as copy
arrayCopyTo as copyTo