core Business Operating System Tests and Profiles
Set of functional, unit and integrations tests, and performance benchmarking scripts for the coreBOS Project.
The goal of the project is to create a set of automatic validations, more oriented towards Behavior-Driven Development than unit tests, because unit tests would be overkill and extremely difficult at this stage for such a complex project. We will prefer and create functional and integration tests over unit tests although some unit tests will make it into the mix (curiously unit tests have been the first to make it into the project :-) ).
Clone the the full coreBOS repository. The coreBOS Tests project must be cloned inside the build directory with the name coreBOSTests, so this should do the trick:
cd build
rmdir coreBOSTests
git clone
Create a database with the contents of the test database which can be found in build/coreBOSTests/database/coreBOSTests.sql
Next copy the test file from build/coreBOSTests/database/ to the root of the test project:
cd {coreBOSTests Project directory}
cp build/coreBOSTests/database/ .
Now edit the file and correctly set the variables:
- site_URL
- root_directory
- database configuration
You should be able to log in with the user and password "admin".
- go to coreBOS Updater, load and apply all changes (as always)
- go to Settings > Access Privileges and "Recalculate". Alternatively you can execute:
You should be able to run the different tests now.
To launch the functional/behavior tests, go into the root coreBOS directory and launch this command:
build/coreBOSTests/phpunit -c build/coreBOSTests/phpunit.xml
Optionally with debugging for more verbose output:
build/coreBOSTests/phpunit --debug -c build/coreBOSTests/phpunit.xml
For the E2E browser integration tests and javascript unit tests you have to go into the build/coreBOSTests directory and execute npm install
and then a npm test
You can get a detailed execution with the command: npm test -- --config jest.config.json
and execute individual tests both in phpunit and jest indicating the path to the test file
In the files build/coreBOSTests/phpunit.xml you will find definitions of the different test suites that can be launched individually if needed.
For functional and unit tests just follow phpunit good practices by creating test scripts in the same structure as the original file and with the recommended file naming conventions.
Then edit the test suites accordingly if necessary.
This project also caters the needs of profiling the application. To accomplish this, we use the XHProf PHP and Tideways extensions and the visual user interface XHGUI.
To get profiling working you need to:
- install the XHProf PHP or Tideways extension in your PHP (uprofiler has not been tested but should work also)
- install mongodb and mongodb PHP libraries
- your apache must be configured to accept .htaccess directives because the build directory is protected from web access so we need to eliminate that restriction for the xhgui direcotry
- your apache must have mod_rewrite loaded
- get the latest code of the coreBOSTest project (see above)
- inside the xhgui directory (build/coreBOSTests/xhgui) you have to download composer.phar and execute
composer update
- register the profiling calls:
cd {coreBOSTests Project directory}
cp build/coreBOSTests/registerxhgui.php .
php registerxhgui.php
rm registerxhgui.php
That is all that is needed. As you work with the application, profiling information will be dumped into the mongodb database and you will be able to view it accessing the XHGUI site at (localhost!):
A profiling register will be made for approximately every 10 accesses to the application.
If you want to force a registration in any part of the code you have to take these steps:
- include the coreBOSxhguiWorker class
- enable the profile at the start of the code you want to analyze
- disable the profile at the end of the code you want to analyze
For example, to analyze List View calls you would apply this patch:
diff --git a/modules/Vtiger/ListView.php b/modules/Vtiger/ListView.php
index 1bc9257..c5f5dce 100644
--- a/modules/Vtiger/ListView.php
+++ b/modules/Vtiger/ListView.php
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
* All Rights Reserved.
global $app_strings, $mod_strings, $current_language, $currentModule, $theme, $list_max_entries_per_page;
@@ -231,5 +232,5 @@ if(isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) && $_REQUEST['ajax'] != '')
This setup is based on the work described in blog post Profiling PHP with Xhprof & Xhgui which is a recommended read along with the article Profiling PHP Applications with XHGui. Some other helpful links are:
- Tideways PHP Profiler Extension
- How To Set Up XHProf and XHGui for Profiling PHP Applications on Ubuntu 14.04
- xhgui
This is what my tideways extension settings look like on PHP7
; Configuration for Tideways Profiler Extension
; priority=40
; Tideways Application API-Key to configure when using just one application on
; this php installation.
; Configure the profiling sample rate for this PHP server globally. The given
; number is an integer representing percent between 0 and 100
; Automatically detect transactions and exceptions of a given framework The
; following frameworks are currently supported:
; symfony2, symfony2c, shopware, oxid, magento, zend1, zend2, laravel,
; wordpress
Thank you very much for your help and contribution.
coreBOS Team