git clone --recursive
# profiling: minitrace + chrome tracing
# dependencies
brew install cgal
mkdir build && cd build
# brew install ninja
cmake -GNinja ..
# openmp
# mesh file generator: tetrahedralize the input surface mesh and generate bbw weights for each corresponding tet
./mesh_file_generator dinosaur
input files: ../dinosaur.obj ../dinosaur.tgf
output file: ../data/dinosaur.mesh ../data/dinosaur.dmat
# run
./support_reduction \
-d ../data/ \
-f bb-bunny \
-b 5 \
-i 1 \
-p 1 \
-r 10 \
-a 90 \
-c 20 \
-e 1000
# debugging
lldb support_reduction
process launch -- -d ../data/ -f bb-bunny -b 5 -i 1 -p 1 -r 50 -a 90 -c 20
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── abstract // extended abstract
├── cmake
├── data // source and destination directory for mesh, weights, ...
├── libigl
├── makefile
├── matlab
├── papers
├── src // source code
├── bbw.cpp // for generating bounded biharmonic weights and remeshing
├── support_reduction.cpp // run program
└── visualize.cpp // visualize self-interesection
- GPU-accelerated evaluation of self-intersection volume
- problem
- given a water-tight mesh and projection direction
- framebuffer width and height, for controlling how accurate the computation is
- return self-intersecting volume
- preparation
- find bounding box of the mesh
- determine orthographic projection around the bounding box of the mesh Peel off front-most fragment of mesh along an orthographic viewing direction aligned with the inverse of printing direction (i.e. projection direction). The near/far plane of orthographic projection are faces of the bounding box of the mesh. For each fragment, record
- problem
- low priority
- optimized forward kinematics in shaders
- depth counter algorithm for self intersection volume computation
- tune to be fixed
- account for volume / surface
- one way to test things work: scale mesh by 100x and see result is invariant
support generation
- meshmixer generates support
- varied for different software / other scenario
the cool part
- joint based character deformation
how to push forward to a publication
- make things fast
- dont worry about support reduction
- varied by software used
- probably material/context specific algorithm/technique for support reduction and so a general black box is not easy to be motivated.
- make this about posing sculptures: take into account physics of material
- print out cement ... need to make sure it does not fracture
- impl detail
- remove overhang
- add self-balancing (center of mesh project into convex hull)
- surface intergrall to determine mass center volumetrically
- add load+stress
- linear elasticity
- stress is a linear function of displacement
given beforehandKM
is6n x m
can be put in vertex shader?
- need to account for things not covered by the first rig
- another rig?
- need to account for fracture in interior?
- enough to render stress on boundary ?
- need to dig with this later
- interface for
- hints for intersection, position of stress
- then option for global optimization
- understand physics of stress field
- ask sarah on physics based stuff.
- rendering based speed up
- understand physics of stress field
- faster stress computation
- GPU accelerated Jacobi solver
- voxel representation of mesh
- no matrix assembly since its on a grid
- solving linear system
with iterative solver on CPU first then GPU- shader (cross platform) vs. cuda
- reference 2d jacobi solver for poisson equation ... on CPU/GPU
- ui
- find closest quaternion to match screen space drag, or
- github repo given ImGuizmo
- engineering
- cmake release/debug mode
- what have we done so far
- goal
- a design tool to allow artistics to deform figures by their skeleton
- be able to visualize yield stress on surface as they make edit
- explore deformations with good properties with global optimization
- global optimization
- reduced space (skeleton) enabling possibility of global optimization
- objective function capturing requirements:
- minimize supporting material used
- able to stand (center of mass inside support polygon)
- will not break (yield criterion > material-specific yield stress)
- local distortion (arap energy)
- stress visualization (need real time)
- explored
- iterative methods like jacobi, SOR (can control number of iterations)
- hexahedron element over axis-aligned grids (element stiffness K constant)
- later
- multigrid on cuda
- explored
- goal
- forget about the continuous derivation for shape gradient
- variational surface cutting has a different formulation from our problem
- discrete setting for solving the PDE-contrained optimization problem
- convert the constraints into K(d)u=f(d) using FEM, where d is the design parameter (in our case the vertex positions)
- take derivative of K and f with respect to d
- look into automatic differentiation
- refer to Bernhard Thomaszewski's papers to get a better sense regarding how the method works
- the ultimate goal doesn't change
- object function: min E_{ARAP}(X_{input mesh},X(T))+E_{stress}(X_{input mesh},X(T))
- next step
- start with a simple 2D cantilever example
- linear FEM stiff material
- nonlinear FEM soft material
- treat X as a function of T (apply LBS)
- start with a simple 2D cantilever example
- the deformed volumetric mesh might be of bad quality due to LBS
- not suitable to do FEM based on this
- need to confirm in both 2D and 3D
- use auto diff to compute the partial derivative of K with respect to T
- in each frame voxelize the deformed tet mesh
- do trilinear interpolation over the bbw weights field for each grid point
- to get the variable back to T
instead of doing voxelization, use fixed grid
- look at ChainQueen: A Real-Time Differentiable Physical Simulator for Soft Robotics
- the approach that is used here (tet <-> hex) is similar to what is commonly used in CFD
- ask Michael Tao for details
dK(p)/dp * u has equivalent result as d(K(p)*u)/dp
- u is simply a few numbers u = Kf
- the difference is the complexity -> the sparsity of K
stan is good
- continuous optimization (whether or not use gradient ...)
- consider arap energy direction ?
min_\Omega ( \min_u \int_\Omega E(u,X) dx))
is the domain
- hard constraints (make it stand)
- global optimization use hard constaints
- then use gradient for different initial points.
- do not penalize small values of stress
- can design functions that is continuous
- (0 infeasible, grows very quickly for feasible)
- can design functions that is continuous
- need to consider the feasible set ... (should be good)
- todo
- do continous optimization on arap+fracture energy
- how do you derive gradients
- derivation of gradient of fracture
with respect toX
- derivation of gradient of fracture
- do 2d shape optimization
- on simple coarse domain, the rod that sticks out of wall
- expect points close to wall expand
- hybrid global optimization methods
- design gallery: probably better to use global methods
- what is the thing we want to compute gradient of ?
- in the want to compute gradient with respect to euler angle
is the surface
- is it a good idea to go with multigrid ?
- pro: O(n) complexity
- can we do weekly meetings ?
- interpolation problem is fixed
- do a screenshot to show it's done
- continuous optimization (whether or not use gradient ...)
- at first identify your problem rather than jumping into the problem i.e. what the problem it is
- look into the closest work, try to understand their work and make comparisons