"Resume" is the git repository for managing my resume. I hope I actually make use of the repository, and don't just forget about it like everything else.
The MMDDYY convention expresses month, day, and year of the log.
012713 - Initial Commit. Start templating the content in a plain-text editor. Start concepting the resume using mobile-boilerplate and bootstrap. (Overkill?)
020713 - 020813 - Finally had time to finish everything. Added all semantic content including projects, homepage pictures, resume content, and contact information. May just need to check all my hyperlinks after it's hosted. I also need to link to projects from the resume page, set up my hostname for SMTP, and set up a blog.
021013 - Minor Touch-ups. Replaces the contact information until everything is finalized with DNS propagation. Need to add more information into my projects section regarding what I actually built during the project timelines.