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ttlappalainen edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 1 revision

NMEA 2000 library

NMEA 2000 library gives you easy way to make different kind of NMEA2000 bus devices either for reading data from bus or sending data to the bus - or both. As default library tries to fulfil all NMEA 2000 "certified device" requirements.

Library has been originally written for Arduino, but later all dependensies should have been removed. So in principle it should be possible to use it in any platform.

Supported boards

Currently Arduino, MBED and Rasberry type Boards has been tested. Because of memory requirements smaller Arduino boards like Arduino Uno are not prefeable.

For experts there should not be other limitations that memory for selecting hw. For other than already supported systems, one need to write inherited objects for handling lower level communication. See e.g. inherited class tNMEA2000_teensy under NMEA2000_teensy library.

Prefered board

This depends a bit about user skills.

Other boards I would define for more experts. For peoples who are used to hw there are sample drawings under

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