- unsplash.com free images
- picsum.photos Lorem Ipsum... but for photos. (github)
- squoosh.app Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser. (github)
- tldraw.com a very good whiteboard (github)
- serve serve files quickly (github)
- mdn Web-Api Docs
- explainshell Command-Line explanation (linux only) (github)
- showthedocs Configuration explanation for postgres, mysql, nginx, gitconfig (github)
- carbon (github)
- Components for Angular, Svelte, Vue, React
- flowbite Highly customizable, tailwind integrated (github)
- Components for Svelte
- material-ui (github)
- tailwind-css (github)
- ant-design (github)
- Components for React
- atlassian
- Components for React
- fluent2 microsofts design system
- Components for React
- copycat Figma -> React
- beekeper-studio SQL Editor, DB Management (github)
- Supabase Firebase-alternative, Postgres db
- shuttle.rs Write everything in Rust: DB, API, etc. (github)
- fyrox a rendering engine for rust (github)
- Tauri Cross-platform apps ("electron.js-alternative")
- svelte-kit Speed, simplicity, straight-forwardness, optinal ssr
- quik A framework that mixes ssr and csr (github)
- redwood A framework that supports prisma and graphql out of the box