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gciatto committed May 10, 2021
1 parent a098df3 commit 11d3cbd
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Showing 7 changed files with 292 additions and 47 deletions.
266 changes: 219 additions & 47 deletions 2p-kt-talk.tex
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Expand Up @@ -4356,26 +4356,137 @@ \section{Prolog as a State Machine: the \module{solve-classic} Module}
\section{Reading and Writing Data: the \module{io-lib} Module}

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Overview on IO in LP}
urls for locating resources

sinks and sources
\begin{block}{Purpose / Requirements}
Provide \kt{Solver}s with I/O facilities:
\item\label{iolib:platform-independence} in a \alert{platform-independent} way
\item[ie] supporting both JVM and JS

\item\label{iolib:solver-agnosticism} in a \alert{solver-implentation-agnostic} way
\item[ie] supporting both \emph{classic}, and \emph{streams} solvers
\item[+] supporting future sorts of solvers too

main predicates
\item\label{iolib:location-transparency} in a \alert{location-transparent} way
\item[ie] supporting transparent access to both \emph{local} and \emph{remote} resources


\begin{alertblock}{Main challenges}
\item Kotlin MP does not provide platform independent I/O API
\item JVM supports accessing both local and remote resources via \alert{streams}
\item blocking, synchronous API
\item async API available too
\item JS server-side (i.e. NodeJS) supports accessing both local and remote resource via \alert{callbacks}
\item non-blocking, asynchronous API
\item sync API available too
\item JS browser-side supports accessing remote resources via \alert{callbacks}
\item non-blocking, asynchronous API
\item NO sync API
\item[$\rightarrow$] requirements \ref{iolib:platform-independence} and \ref{iolib:location-transparency} are hard to attain


\item Define minimal multi-platform API for I/O
\item Provide platform-specific implementations for that API
\item Provide implementation of \kt{Channel}s exploiting such API
\item Provide logic predicated to manipulate \kt{Channel}s from LP


Support access to local/remote resources to any solver on all platforms


Cf. the \pl{consult/1} predicate/directive, supporting loading of extern theories into the current solver's static KB:


\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{The multi-platform notion of \kt{Url}}

\item Mimicing Java's URL type
\item Prividing unified multi-platform API for I/O
\item Supporting requirements \ref{iolib:platform-independence} and \ref{iolib:location-transparency}

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Platform-specific Issues}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Content of the \kt{IOLib}}

\item[primitives:] \pl{at\_end\_of\_stream/0}, \pl{at\_end\_of\_stream/1}, \pl{char\_conversion/2}, \pl{close/1}, \pl{close/2}, \pl{consult/1}, \pl{current\_char\_conversion/2}, \pl{current\_input/1}, \pl{current\_output/1}, \pl{flush\_output/1}, \pl{get\_byte/1}, \pl{get\_byte/2}, \pl{get\_char/1}, \pl{get\_char/2}, \pl{get\_code/1}, \pl{get\_code/2}, \pl{nl/1}, \pl{open/3}, \pl{open/4}, \pl{peek\_byte/1}, \pl{peek\_byte/2}, \pl{peek\_char/1}, \pl{peek\_char/2}, \pl{peek\_code/1}, \pl{peek\_code/2}, \pl{put\_byte/1}, \pl{put\_byte/2}, \pl{put\_char/1}, \pl{put\_char/2}, \pl{put\_code/1}, \pl{put\_code/2}, \pl{read/1}, \pl{read/2}, \pl{read\_term/2}, \pl{read\_term/3}, \pl{set\_input/1}, \pl{set\_output/1}, \pl{set\_theory/1}, \pl{stream\_property/2}, \pl{write/2}, \pl{write\_canonical/1}, \pl{write\_canonical/2}, \pl{write\_eq/1}, \pl{write\_eq/2}, \pl{write\_term/2}, \pl{write\_term/3}


\item[operators:] none

\item[theory:] none

\item[functions:] none


\kt{IOLib} = I/O predicates from the Prolog ISO Standard \ccite{prologISO-pt1}, realised as \kt{Solver}-independent primitives

% \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Platform-specific Issues}

% \end{frame}

\section{OOP and Prolog: the \module{oop-lib} Module}

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Overview on the OOP Lib Design}

\item[\kt{Solver}s] $\rightarrow$ let OOP exploit LP
\item[\kt{Primitive}s] $\rightarrow$ let LP wrap/call OOP
\item[\module{oop-lib}] $\rightarrow$ lets LP exploit OOP
\item[\module{oop-lib}] $\rightarrow$ \alert{lets LP exploit OOP}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4756,29 +4867,62 @@ \subsection{Overload Selection}

\subsection{Logic Predicates and Operators for OOP}

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Main Predicates from the OOP Lib}
(for each: definition, semantics)

new\_object/2 (rule)
alias/2 (rule)
:=/2 (rule)
./2 (rule)
\begin{frame}{Content of the \kt{OOPLib}}


\item[operators:] \pl{'.'/2}, \pl{':='/2}, \pl{'as/2'}, \pl{'\$'/1}


\item[theory:] \pl{':='/2}, \pl{'.'/2}, \pl{fluent\_reduce/2}, \pl{new\_object/2}, \pl{property\_reduce/2}


\item[primitives:] \pl{assign/3}, \pl{cast/3}, \pl{type/2}, \pl{invoke\_method/3}, \pl{invoke\_strict/3}, \pl{new\_object/3}, \pl{null\_ref/1}, \pl{object\_ref/1}, \pl{ref/1}, \pl{register/2}, \pl{type\_ref/1}, \pl{unregister/1}


\item[functions:] none

% \begin{frame}{Main predicates of the \kt{OOPLib}}
% \ttfamily
% invoke\_method/3
% invoke\_strict/3
% assign/3
% cast/3
% new\_object/3
% new\_object/2 (rule)
% register/2
% unregister/1
% alias/2 (rule)
% :=/2 (rule)
% ./2 (rule)
% fluent\_reduce/3
% property\_reduce/3
% \end{frame}

\section{LP + OOP + FP in Kotlin: the \module{dsl-*} Modules}

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Overview on the DSL}

\item[\kt{Solver}s] $\rightarrow$ let OOP exploit LP
\item[\kt{Primitive}s] $\rightarrow$ let LP wrap/call OOP
\item[\module{oop-lib}] $\rightarrow$ lets LP exploit OOP
\item[\module{dsl-*}] $\rightarrow$ \alert{let Kotlin expoit LP with Prolog-like syntax}


\item integrating OOP, FP and LP
Expand All @@ -4789,37 +4933,65 @@ \section{LP + OOP + FP in Kotlin: the \module{dsl-*} Modules}


\item the DSL has to be a \textit{strict} extension of Kotlin
\item [$\rightarrow$] no Kotlin feature is hindered by using the DSL
\item the DSL has to be fully \textit{interoperable} with the hosting language
\item [$\rightarrow$] all Kotlin features may be exploited by the DSL
\item the DSL has to be fully \textit{encapsulated} and \textit{identifiable}
\item [$\rightarrow$] preventing unintended usage
\item the DSL should be as close as possible to Prolog, syntactically and semantically
\item [$\rightarrow$] easing its exploitation by logic programmers

\begin{exampleblock}{DSL in practice}
\item writing tests using LP-like syntax
\item[!] \alert{without} relying a parser
\item to keep the dependency graph small/sparse
\item to prevent developers from using the parser unless strictly needed




\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Design Principles of the DSL (cf. \ccite{kotlinDSl4PrologWoa2020})}
\item the DSL has to be a \textit{strict} extension of Kotlin
\item [$\rightarrow$] no Kotlin feature is hindered by using the DSL
\item the DSL has to be fully \textit{interoperable} with the hosting language
\item [$\rightarrow$] all Kotlin features may be exploited by the DSL
\item the DSL has to be fully \textit{encapsulated} and \textit{identifiable}
\item [$\rightarrow$] preventing unintended usage
\item the DSL should be as close as possible to LP, syntactically and semantically
\item [$\rightarrow$] easing its exploitation by logic programmers




Expand Down
Binary file added img/url.pdf
Binary file not shown.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions img/url.pu
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
interface Url {
+ protocol: String
+ host: String
+ path: String
+ port: Int?
+ query: String?
+ isFile: Boolean
+ isHttp: Boolean
+ readAsText(): String
+ readAsByteArray(): ByteArray
+ resolve(child: String): Url
+ div(child: String): Url
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions img/url.svg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions snippets/Relatives.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
prolog {
rule {
"ancestor"(X, Y) `if` "parent"(X, Y)
rule {
"ancestor"(X, Y) `if` (
"parent"(X, Z) and
"ancestor"(Z, Y))
fact { "parent"("abraham", "isaac") },
fact { "parent"("isaac", "jacob") },
fact { "parent"("jacob", "joseph") }

for (sol in solve("ancestor"("abraham", X)))
if (sol is Solution.Yes)
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions snippets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:- consult("").
% importing remote theory from the Web

:- consult("file:///path/to/local/").
% importing theory from the local file system
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions snippets/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z),
ancestor(Z, Y).

parent(abraham, isaac).
parent(isaac, jacob).
parent(jacob, joseph).

?- ancestor(abraham, X).

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