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Johannes Baiter edited this page Jun 28, 2016 · 39 revisions

How to run GermaNER:

From Commandline

* Download the jar file from [here]( or if you don't have enough memory, use GermaNER without freebase features from [here] ( -> the corresponding configuration file is found [here](
* Download the configuration file from [here](
* Download a test file [here](
* Download a training file [here](
* To test a file that was trained on our model, run as follows:
    * `java -jar GermaNER-09-09-2015.jar -t TESTFILE -o OUTPUTFILE`

where -t TESTFILE is the document to be tagged and -o OUTFILE is name of the tagged output file, However, if you want to test one of your own models, add the -c CONFIGFILE and -d OUTPUTFOLDER which are the configuration file used for training and the directory of the saved GermaNER model directory name respectively.
* To train (and optionally test) a model, run it as follows * java -jar GermaNER-09-09-2015.jar -f TRAINFILE -t TESTFILE -o OUTPUTFILE -c CONFIGFILE -d OUTPUTFOLDER

Where -t TESTFILE, -o OUTPUTFILE, and -c CONFIGFILE are optional parameters. -t TESTFILE is the document to be tagged,-f TRAINFILE is the training data, as explained [here] (, -o OUTPUTFILE is the tagged output file, and -c CONFIGFILE is the configuration file as explained here and -d OUTPUTFOLDER is the directory where the model will be saved (if-d is not provided, a folder called output will be created and the model will be stored therein.) * To tag your document, the document format should be as it is explained here, run it as follows

Inside an application


From source

* Get the source code of [GermaNER]( using git

`git clone`

* Compile GermaNER using the following command

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Drat.skip=true

The generated jar will be available under the target folder

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