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ldap-expire-notify is a tool to notify your LDAP users when their password is about to expire. It supports several kind of notification channels.


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LDAP Expire Notify

ldap-expire-notify is a tool to notify your LDAP users when their password is about to expire. It supports several kind of notification channels.


  • Configure several notification channels with different thresholds.
  • Currently supported channels include: - Email - Webhook


Install ldap-expire-notify by running:

pip install git+

How to use

For a complete list of parameters run ldap-expire-notify --help

$ ldap-expire-notify --help
Usage: ldap-expire-notify [OPTIONS]

  -H, --host TEXT                 LDAP server host, must include protocol
  -p, --port INTEGER              LDAP server port
  -D, --bind-dn TEXT              DN used to bind to LDAP server  [required]
  --pwd TEXT                      Password used to bind to LDAP server
  -b, --base-dn TEXT              Base DN used to perform searches in LDAP
                                  server  [required]
  --starttls / --no-starttls      Use StartTLS feature when connecting to LDAP
  --ignorecert / --no-ignore-cert
                                  Ignore LDAP Certificate when binding (not
  -q, --users-query TEXT          Query used to retrieve all users
  -f, --user-attrs TEXT           User attributes to be retrieved
  --query-scope [BASE|ONELEVEL|SUBTREE]
                                  Query used to retrieve all users
  -e, --modify-attr TEXT          Attribute where password modification time
                                  is stored
  --modify-format TEXT            Modification time strptime format
  -M, --pwd-max-age INTEGER       Maximum password age in seconds
  --smtp-server TEXT              SMTP server used to send emails
  --smtp-user TEXT                User used to login into SMTP server
  --smtp-pwd TEXT                 SMTP User password
  --smtp-ssl / --no-smtp-ssl      Use SMTP SSL connection
  --smtp-starttls / --no-smtp-starttls
                                  Use STARTTLS SMTP connection
  -c, --channels TEXT             Channels configuration, can be a json/yaml
                                  file or a folder containing json/yaml files
  -v, --verbosity LVL             Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

How to configure channels

Channel configuration is passed via the flags -c or --channels. It can be both a yaml/json file or a folder containing yaml/json files. If passing a folder as parameter all channels found in files will be merged and used.

Channels file syntax

All channel files must have the following syntax:

    kind: email|webhook (Required)
    threshold: Notification threshold in seconds (Required)
    workers: Number of threads to be spawn for the channel (default: 10)

Depending on the kind, the rest of parameters may vary, following is a example configuration for email channel:

    kind: email
    workers: 3
    threshold: 604800 # 1 week
    recipient: '{{ ldap.mail | first }}' # Required, jinja2 template syntax
    subject: '{{ ldap.uid | first }} for password is going to expire' # Required, jinja2 template syntax
    from: '' # Required, jinja2 template syntax
    body: | # Required, jinja2 template syntax
          <h3> This is LDAP expire password notification </h3>
          <p> Hi {{ ldap.givenName | first}}, your LDAP password will expire at {{ expiration }} days.</p>
          <p> Contact your system administrator to update it </p>

Following is a example configuration for webhook channel:

    kind: webhook
    workers: 3
    threshold: 604800 # 1 week
    throttle_code: 429 # Optional, default: 429
    throttle_retries: 10 # Optional, default: 5
    throttle_max_sleep: 10 # Optional, default: 30
    headers: # Optional, must be a hash map
      Content-Type: application/json
    body: | # Optional, jinja2 template syntax
        "comment": "This is a test webhook that will POST a JSON body and some headers",
        "msg": "Hi {{ | first }}, your LDAP password will expire in the next {{ threshold_day }} days or less",
        "recipient": "@{{ ldap.slack | first }}"
    url: '{{ ldap.uid | first }}' # Required, jinja2 template syntax
    method: post  # Optional, default: get

About throttling If throttle_code is returned from remote endpoint as an HTTP status code, throttling mechanism will be triggered. It implements exponential backoff starting from 1 seconds and applying a factor of 2 until throttle_max_sleep. A total of throttle_retries iterations will be done before failing.

How tool works

For every entry returned by LDAP using --users-query, the expiration time is computed using the --modify-attr that should be present in the the same entry, if the current time substracted expiration time is less than or equal channel.threshold, the a notification is sent.

Which fields are available in templates

For all setting fields that are jinja2 compatible, the following fields are exported:

  • expiration: Is the expiration time. It is an instance of datetime.datetime.
  • dn: This is the user DN from LDAP.
  • threshold: Is the channel threshold in seconds
  • threshold_hour: Is the channel threshold in hours
  • threshold_day: Is the channel threshold in days
  • ldap: This is the the user LDAP entry, so any user's attribute can be used. Note that LDAP library returns a list for every attribute but usually only 1 value is present, so to use the first element the | first jinja2 filter may be used.


To setup developing environment you'll need to setup a virtualenv.

Once your virtualenv is setup and activated, run:

make develop

This will install all dependencies needed.



If you are having issues, please let us know by opening a Github Issue.


The project is licensed under the Apache license.


ldap-expire-notify is a tool to notify your LDAP users when their password is about to expire. It supports several kind of notification channels.








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