This is yet another blog engine. I mainly use this as an excuse to try out new technologies by improving my blog platform.
You can develop the software on Visual Studio, VS Code or JetBrainds Rider. If you would like to get the software up and running on a dev machibe, you first need to set up some environment variables:
export TUGBERKWEB_ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection="<CONNECTION-STRING-HERE>"
Optionally, you can configure the following settings:
As the next step, you need to manually install the npm dependencies:
cd ./src/Tugberk.Web/wwwroot
npm install
Then, you can run dotnet run
under ./src/Tugberk.Web/
folder. The software will be available on http://localhost:5000
You can build the docker image to run the software locally inside a docker container.
docker build --tag tugberk/tugberk-web:v0.0.0 --file docker-tugberk-web.dockerfile --build-arg BUILDCONFIG=RELEASE .
docker run -p 5000:80 --env TUGBERKWEB_ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection="<CONNECTION-STRING-HERE>" --env TUGBERKWEB_GoogleReCaptcha__Key="<GOOGLE-RECAPTCHA-KEY-HERE>" --env TUGBERKWEB_GoogleReCaptcha__Secret="<GOOGLE-RECAPTCHA-KEY-SECRET>" tugberk/tugberk-web:v0.0.0
After that, the software will be available on http://localhost:5000
on the host machine.
Idea is to replicate what I current have and then build on top of that. A few important improvments I am looking for after this:
- I cannot publish easily today because AtomPub being very restricted on supported publishing tools. That's the main thing to improve
- I am super unhappy with RavenDB. Let's get rid of that and make the peristance layer agnostic from the database engine so that I can swap it anytime I want.
- Deployment is currently hard :s Let's strive for hosting this on Azure App Service and get rid of the server I have up and running for a while.
- I want to have ads in the middle of posts. That would be amazing if I can get this done as well.
- About page should be based on LinkedIn
- Bring down Bootstrap 4.0
- Create home page strcuture
- Create domain layer
- Create persistance interfaces
- Create in-memory persistance implementation
- Create SQL Server persistance implementation based on EF
- Handle google analytics on prod
- Decide on prod logging
- Twitter cards
- RSS Feed for main
- RSS Feed for tags
- Captcha for login page
- List last 5 blog posts on the home page
- Pagination on the home page
- Ads
- Create blog post page
- Ads
- Sort out relative images which came from old blog (e.g.
- Replicate the current one
- Add youtube channel link
- Ads
- Create about page (static for now)
- Create speaker page (basic info for now)
- Host on Azure App Service
- HTTPS by default, so buy a cert
- Migrate comments to disqus
- Migrate blog posts to Azure SQL Database based on the SQL Structure
Now at this point, release!
Theme here is to provide the management portal.
- Enable authentication through Twitter
- Lock management part with authorization
- Provide a page to add new blog post in HTML format
- Provide a page to edit the content of a blog post: HTML content, title, abstract and tags
- Provide a facility to approve and disaprove a blog post.
- Provide a facility to allow and disallow comments on a blog post.
- Upload images to Azure Blob Storage
- Would be nice to be to tell how many times a blog post has been read by looking into Google Analytics