Open the folder in VS Code or in CMD, then enter "npm install". If you don't have npm yet, please go to download and install it.
Install dependencies:
npm i --save colors request
- support both Windows and Unix style command line args (e.g., --version vs. /v)
- allow passing directory paths vs. file paths, and recursively process all children under that directory
- add support for more HTTP result codes. For example, redirects with 301, 307, 308 (i.e., follow the redirect to the new location)
- add support for timeouts, DNS resolution issues, or other server errors when accessing a bad URL. A bad domain, URL, or server shouldn't crash your tool.
- add feature for ignore url(s). If you enter 'Webpage-status-checking-tool --ignore [ignore url list filename] [url list filename]', this tool test all urls without ignore urls.
Enter "node checkURL.js xxx" xxx is the filename you want to check.
Enter "node checkURL.js --v" to check current version. (or -v, /v, /version)