Spaceship game inspired by Space Impact and Club Penguin
The "Snow Impact" project consists of a reimagining of the classic game Space Impact, but made entirely in C
and Allegro5
, now with a Club Penguin theme.
The Game has:
- Home screen
- 2 stages with iconic bosses from the Club Penguin universe
- A captivating story
- 9 different enemies
- A statistics screen
- And more...
[Arrow keys] to move around the game
[Space] to shoot and interact
[ESC] or [P] to pause the game
[D] to enable debug information
Exit screen button to exit
Just go to the includes/env.h
file and edit your information and definitions to adapt the game to your difficulty and needs.
For example, to change the game screen size:
#define DISP_SCALE 4 // Change it to the value you prefer (integer like 1, 2, ...)
Created with 💙 by tuildes