Funnel Cake is an internal site to search and view PA Digital aggregated metadata for quality assessment. It is built with Blacklight. Funnel Cake also serves as the development and production endpoint for PA Digital's OAI-PMH feed.
For more information, see About the PA Digital Aggregator.
- Ruby 3.3.0
You'll need a running Postgres >= 9.5 on your local dev machine.
Install with homebrew
brew install postgres
Next, set up postgres to run as a service
brew services start postgres
Install with postgres and development library via apt
sudo apt-get install postgresql-server libpq-dev
should set up postgres as a service.
Finally, we need to create a postgres role with enough privileges to create and destroy databases. We'll use the built in createuser
command with the -d
flag that allows the user to create and destroy databases, and the -W
flag that will cause the command to prompt your for a password, which is just password
$ createuser -dW funnelcake
Password: #now enter your password
On ubunutu, we need to run commands as the postgres users
$ sudo su -c "createuser -dW funnelcake" postgres
Password: #now enter your password
$ cp .env-dev .env
$ bundle install
$ rails db:migrate
$ bundle exec rails server, or bin/dev to watch for and recompile ccs changes
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd ansible-playbook-solrcloud
$ make up-lite
Set the SOLR_IP address before starting the Funnelcake server
export SOLR_IP=""
NOTE: The Funnelcake Solr repository should be seeded for the application to function properly