- 🔭 I make Youtube videos and web development courses
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Next.js and Typescript
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators
- ⚡ Fun fact: I do card magic and collect playing cards
- Next.js 15 Routing Explained For Beginners
- How To Stand Out As A Software Engineer In 2025 (6 Steps)
- How To Become A Better Software Engineer In 2025 (5 Rules)
- Next.js 15 Form Component (Everything you need to know)
- 5 Habits That Will Make You a Better Programmer
- 4 Caching Mechanisms Next.js Uses to Optimize Application Performance
- Want FASTER build time with Next.js? DO THIS! ⚡
- Underrated Next.js feature 🤯
- If you use React, DO THIS!
- Working on my Next.js Crash Course 📚