Code of the paper "Predicting solvation free energies with an implicit solvent machine learning potential".
The scripts to execute the code are the following:
Train an U_vac MLP on the QM7x dataset: examples/FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x scripts/
Precomptue trajectories: examples/FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x scripts/TrainFreeEnergy/
which can be called from the bash script within the same directory. -
Train the BAR-HFE model: examples/FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x scripts/TrainFreeEnergy/,
which can be called from the bash script within the same directory.
- Create virtual environment with Python 3.10 and activate it
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.10 venv
- Install all required packages:
pip install swig, gym[box2d]
pip install -e .[all]
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11_pip]" -f
pip install "jax[cuda]==0.4.23" -f
pip install h5py, rdkit, scipy==1.12, imageio, networkx, dill
or use the requirements.txt file. If you use the requirements.txt, you still need to install the local chemtrain and jax with cuda support (second last line above):
1. pip install -r requirements.txt
2. pip install "jax[cuda]==0.4.23" -f
3. Install chemtrain from the repository
- Add FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x Scripts/FreeSolvDB/database.pickle. Already added in the repository.
- Add FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x Scripts/TrainFreeEnergy/precomputed_trajectories/*.npy for precomputed trajectories. Already added in the repository.
- Add FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x Scripts/TrainFreeEnergy/checkpoints/080524_t_prod_250ps_t_equil_50ps_iL1e-06_lrd0.1_epochs500_seed7_train_389mem_0.97_epoch499.pkl for the trained U_wat model. Already added in the repository.
- Add FreeEnergyScripts/savedTrainers/080524_t_prod_250ps_t_equil_50ps_iL1e-06_lrd0.1_epochs500_seed7_train_389mem_0.97_epoch499.pkl for the trained U_vac model. Already added in the repository.
- Use FreeEnergyScripts/QM7x Scripts/ to generate your own shuffled data.
For questions, you can reach out to
If you use our paper, the corresponding citation is:
title={Predicting solvation free energies with an implicit solvent machine learning potential},
author={R{\"o}cken, Sebastien and Burnet, Anton F and Zavadlav, Julija},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.00183},