Solana Token Registry is a package that allows application to query for list of tokens. The JSON schema for the tokens includes: chainId, address, name, decimals, symbol, logoURI (optional), tags (optional), and custom extensions metadata.
npm install @solana/spl-token-registry
yarn add @solana/spl-token-registry
new TokenListProvider().resolve().then((tokens) => {
const tokenList = tokens.filterByClusterSlug('mainnet-beta').getList();
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { TokenListProvider, TokenInfo } from '@solana/spl-token-registry';
export const Icon = (props: { mint: string }) => {
const [tokenMap, setTokenMap] = useState<Map<string, TokenInfo>>(new Map());
useEffect(() => {
new TokenListProvider().resolve().then(tokens => {
const tokenList = tokens.filterByChainId(ENV.MainnetBeta).getList();
setTokenMap(tokenList.reduce((map, item) => {
map.set(item.address, item);
return map;
},new Map()));
}, [setTokenMap]);
const token = tokenMap.get(;
if (!token || !token.logoURI) return null;
return (<img src={token.logoURI} />);
Submit PR with changes to JSON file src/tokens/solana.tokenlist.json
Please follow the Uniswap Token List specification found here: