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173 changes: 116 additions & 57 deletions rhine-bayes/app/Main.hs
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@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ In this example, you will find the following:
* A more scalable, modular, interactive architecture, where all these three systems run on separate clocks,
and the user can interactively change the temperature of the heat bath
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where

-- base
import Control.Monad (replicateM, void)
import Control.Monad (replicateM, void, guard)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Product (Product, getProduct))
import GHC.Float (double2Float, float2Double)
@@ -51,6 +52,10 @@ import FRP.Rhine.Gloss.IO
-- rhine-bayes
import FRP.Rhine.Bayes
import FRP.Rhine.Gloss.Common
import FRP.Rhine.Gloss (GlossEventClock)
import Control.Monad.Schedule.Class (MonadSchedule (..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(ReaderT))

type Temperature = Double
type Pos = (Double, Double)
@@ -70,7 +75,8 @@ prior1d ::
StochasticProcessF td Temperature Double
prior1d initialPosition initialVelocity = feedback 0 $ proc (temperature, position') -> do
impulse <- whiteNoiseVarying -< temperature
let acceleration = (-3) * position' + impulse
let springConstant = 3
acceleration = (- springConstant) * position' + impulse
-- Integral over roughly the last 10 seconds, dying off exponentially, as to model a small friction term
velocity <- arr (+ initialVelocity) <<< decayIntegral 10 -< acceleration
position <- integralFrom initialPosition -< velocity
@@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ glossSettings =
mains :: [(String, IO ())]
mains =
[ ("single rate", mainSingleRate)
, ("single rate, parameter collapse", mainSingleRateCollapse)
, ("multi rate, parameter collapse", mainMultiRateCollapse)
, ("multi rate, temperature process", mainMultiRate)

@@ -289,51 +295,6 @@ glossClock =
, rescale = float2Double

-- *** Poor attempt at temperature inference: Particle collapse

-- | Choose an exponential distribution as prior for the temperature
temperaturePrior :: (MonadDistribution m) => m Temperature
temperaturePrior = gamma 1 7

{- | On startup, sample values from the temperature prior.
Then keep sampling from the position prior and condition by the likelihood of the measured sensor position.
posteriorTemperatureCollapse :: (MonadMeasure m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td Sensor (Temperature, Pos)
posteriorTemperatureCollapse = proc sensor -> do
temperature <- performOnFirstSample (arr_ <$> temperaturePrior) -< ()
latent <- prior -< temperature
arrM score -< sensorLikelihood latent sensor
returnA -< (temperature, latent)

{- | Given an actual temperature, simulate a latent position and measured sensor position,
and based on the sensor data infer the latent position and the temperature.
filteredCollapse :: (Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF App td Temperature Result
filteredCollapse = proc temperature -> do
(measured, latent) <- genModelWithoutTemperature -< temperature
particlesAndTemperature <- runPopulationCl nParticles resampleSystematic posteriorTemperatureCollapse -< measured
{ temperature
, measured
, latent
, particlesPosition = first snd <$> particlesAndTemperature
, particlesTemperature = first fst <$> particlesAndTemperature

-- | Run simulation, inference, and visualization synchronously
mainClSFCollapse :: (Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF App td () ()
mainClSFCollapse = proc () -> do
output <- filteredCollapse -< initialTemperature
visualisation -< output

mainSingleRateCollapse =
void $
sampleIO $
launchInGlossThread glossSettings $
reactimateCl glossClock mainClSFCollapse

-- *** Infer temperature with a stochastic process

{- | Given an actual temperature, simulate a latent position and measured sensor position,
@@ -379,20 +340,109 @@ glossClockUTC cl =
return (arr $ \(timePassed, event) -> (addUTCTime (realToFrac timePassed) now, event), now)

type ModelClock = LiftClock IO GlossConcT (Millisecond 100)

-- | The model is sampled at 100 FPS.
modelClock :: ModelClock
modelClock = liftClock waitClock

{- | The part of the program which simulates latent position and sensor,
running 100 times a second.
modelRhine :: Rhine (GlossConcT IO) (LiftClock IO GlossConcT (Millisecond 100)) Temperature (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos))
modelRhine = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss (clId &&& genModelWithoutTemperature) @@ liftClock waitClock
model :: ClSF (GlossConcT IO) ModelClock Temperature (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos))
model = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss (clId &&& genModelWithoutTemperature)

-- | The user can change the temperature by pressing the up and down arrow keys,
-- or press the "r" key.
data UserInput
= TemperatureFactor (Product Double)
| ResetKey
deriving Eq

type UserClock = SelectClock (GlossClockUTC GlossEventClockIO) UserInput

userClock :: UserClock
userClock = SelectClock
{ mainClock = glossClockUTC GlossEventClockIO
, select = \case
EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _ -> Just $ TemperatureFactor $ Product 1.2
EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _ -> Just $ TemperatureFactor $ Product $ 1 / 1.2
EventKey (Char 'r') Down _ _ -> Just ResetKey
_ -> Nothing

-- | The user can change the temperature by pressing the up and down arrow keys.
userTemperature :: ClSF (GlossConcT IO) (GlossClockUTC GlossEventClockIO) () Temperature
userTemperature = tagS >>> arr (selector >>> fmap Product) >>> mappendS >>> arr (fmap getProduct >>> fromMaybe 1 >>> (* initialTemperature))
userTemperature :: ClSF (GlossConcT IO) UserClock () Temperature
userTemperature = tagS >>> arr selector >>> mappendS >>> arr (fmap getProduct >>> fromMaybe 1 >>> (* initialTemperature))
selector (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _) = Just 1.2
selector (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _) = Just (1 / 1.2)
selector (TemperatureFactor factor) = Just factor
selector _ = Nothing

-- *** Poor attempt at temperature inference: Particle collapse

-- | Choose an exponential distribution as prior for the temperature
temperaturePrior :: (MonadDistribution m) => m Temperature
temperaturePrior = gamma 1 7

{- | On startup, sample values from the temperature prior.
Then keep sampling from the position prior and condition by the likelihood of the measured sensor position.
posteriorTemperatureCollapse :: (MonadMeasure m, Diff td ~ Double) => BehaviourF m td (Bool, Sensor) (Temperature, Pos)
posteriorTemperatureCollapse = proc (resetTemperature, sensor) -> do
temperature <- cache temperaturePrior -< resetTemperature
latent <- prior -< temperature
arrM score -< sensorLikelihood latent sensor
returnA -< (temperature, latent)
cache :: Monad m => m b -> BehaviourF m td Bool b
cache action = feedback Nothing $ proc (invalidateCache, bLast) -> do
let bCached = guard (not invalidateCache) >> bLast
bNew <- case bCached of
Nothing -> do
constMCl action -< ()
Just b -> do
returnA -< b
returnA -< (bNew, Just bNew)

{- | Given an actual temperature, simulate a latent position and measured sensor position,
and based on the sensor data infer the latent position and the temperature.
inferenceCollapse :: Rhine (GlossConcT IO) (LiftClock IO GlossConcT Busy) (Bool, (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos))) Result
inferenceCollapse = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss inferenceBehaviour @@ liftClock Busy
inferenceBehaviour :: (MonadDistribution m, Diff td ~ Double, MonadIO m) => BehaviourF m td (Bool, (Temperature, (Sensor, Pos))) Result
inferenceBehaviour = proc (reset, (temperature, (measured, latent))) -> do
positionsAndTemperatures <- runPopulationCl nParticles resampleSystematic posteriorTemperatureCollapse -< (reset, measured)
{ temperature
, measured
, latent
, particlesPosition = first snd <$> positionsAndTemperatures
, particlesTemperature = first fst <$> positionsAndTemperatures

mainRhineMultiRateCollapse =
(tagS &&& userTemperature)
@@ userClock
>-- collect *-* keepLast initialTemperature -->
(clId *** model) @@ modelClock
>-- reset *-* keepLast (initialTemperature, (zeroVector, zeroVector)) -->
>-- keepLast emptyResult -->
-- | Whether the user pressed the reset key
reset :: Monad m => ResamplingBuffer m cl1 cl2 [UserInput] Bool
reset = collect >>-^ arr (concat >>> filter (== ResetKey) >>> not . null)

mainMultiRateCollapse = void $
launchInGlossThread glossSettings $
flow mainRhineMultiRateCollapse

-- *** Multi rate with stochastic process

{- | This part performs the inference (and passes along temperature, sensor and position simulations).
It runs as fast as possible, so this will potentially drain the CPU.
@@ -420,9 +470,9 @@ visualisationRhine = hoistClSF sampleIOGloss visualisation @@ glossClockUTC Glos
-- | Compose all four asynchronous components to a single 'Rhine'.
mainRhineMultiRate =
@@ glossClockUTC GlossEventClockIO
@@ userClock
>-- keepLast initialTemperature -->
model @@ modelClock
>-- keepLast (initialTemperature, (zeroVector, zeroVector)) -->
>-- keepLast emptyResult -->
@@ -447,3 +497,12 @@ instance (MonadMeasure m) => MonadMeasure (GlossConcT m)

sampleIOGloss :: App a -> GlossConcT IO a
sampleIOGloss = hoist sampleIO

unsafeMkSampler :: ReaderT g m a -> Sampler g m a
unsafeMkSampler = unsafeCoerce

runSampler :: Sampler g m a -> ReaderT g m a
runSampler = ReaderT . sampleWith

instance (Monad m, MonadSchedule m) => MonadSchedule (Sampler g m) where
schedule = unsafeMkSampler . fmap (second (map unsafeMkSampler)) . schedule . fmap runSampler
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions rhine-bayes/rhine-bayes.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ executable rhine-bayes-gloss
, log-domain
, mmorph
, time
, monad-schedule
default-language: Haskell2010