Developer Names:
Allison Cook
Ibrahim Issa
Mohaansh Pranjal
Nathaniel Hu
Tushar Aggarwal
Date of project start:
About the project:
This is our McMaster University Software Engineering 2023-2024 Capstone Project. X-RayAssist is an AI-powered web application designed to assist healthcare professionals in analyzing chest X-ray (CXR) images. It automates the analysis of CXR images for the detection and prediction of diseases such as Atelectasis, Pneumonia, Pleural Effusion, and Cardiomegaly. The system generates attention maps for visualizing each finding and produces a brief summary of the diagnosis. X-RayAssist aims to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.
The folders for this project are as follows:
- Documentation for this project
- Reference material used for the project, including papers
- Source code
- Test cases