Small python script to automate the creation of a project in GitHub and your harddrive.
git clone
cd initialize_project_with_python
python -m venv .venv # if you want to put it within an environment
source .venv/bin/activate # if you want to activate the environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
source ~/
Create a Github token
Then go to the folder config and set the 3 variables in a config.yml
- github_token = Your Github token
- projects_folder_name = where your projects folder is c:/projectsfolder or /users/username/projectsfolder
- license_template = Pick a for you appropriate license
If you want to use this script anywhere on your Mac place the in a global folder Something like ~/myscripts
Then In your .zshrc or bash profile you have to add a Export line Do
nano ~/.zshrc
or when using Bash
nano ~/.bash_profile
add this line at the end of the file with the correct path to this script
export PATH=~/MyBashScripts/all_scripts:$PATH
Well you can read all about it in my blogpost.
Build status is ready!
Built with
- PyGithub
- pathlib
It's all in the requirements.txt so when you clone this repository and fire the following command all be good!
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will find more about this project in:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.