Using the cloud database to persist tasks. See this blog post for a similar example using their "pages" web technology.
- react-native
- Auth0
- redux
- redux-saga
- react-motion
- axios
Dev tools
- typescript
- babel
- gulp
- remote-redux-devtools
- IOS - works nicely
- Android - not configured, not tested
The GUI is a port of the TODOMvc sample from the excellent react-motion library. Porting to typescript and react-native was fairly simple - the animation logic worked out of the box. The styling was much more challenging.
The GUI was also converted to redux and some very simple sagas takes care of persisting the user's inputs to the restdb database.
User authentication with Auth0 is a breeze, the GUI simply displays a login screen which is overlaid with the Auth0 login panel. When a JWT is received, the redux saga toggles state and the todo-GUI is shown. The JWT token is passed to restdb. When you turn on Enable private data
, its rest-api will only return records that is created by the user.
ATW the styling is not very flexible and a disgrace to the orgiginal (looks OK in iPhone 5 portrait).
redux-saga is used to control the flow of actions and data. One set of actions are comming from the GUI, and another is sent from the sagas when load/save operations are completed. Take a look at app/sagas/mainLoop.ts
Building is done by gulp build
or gulp watch
. This produces a javascript file hierarchy under /build
, which is used runtime. When hot reloading is activated, the GUI updates after each build. (ATW, this appears to reset state and causes the login screen to reappear - not very "hot" then.)
To debug, use "remote js debugging" to connect to Chrome. To inspect the Redux state, connect the amazing remote-redux-devtools. This can be done by uncommenting composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(middleware)))
in init.ts. With the remote devtools active, head over to and see the state of the app unfolding. Magic!
Set ut a free database over at, and get an account at Auth0. Configre the db in app/database.ts
, setup the Auth0 clientId in components/Todo.tsx
As usual, there are some issues with typescript typings, the default index.d.ts setup might get it wrong and some types are missing in the react-native definition. This can be hand edited to work. offers a smashing realtime-interface, allowing apps to respond to changes in the db - as well as pub/sub activity. This could be utilized in the app to allow updates from other users. Of course the styling also needs a final touch.