Scripts for parsing and importing a Wikidata dump into a database (e.g. postgres).
Data extracted includes:
- coordinates
- simple key => value snaks (e.g. wikibase-item or url data types)
- labels and aliases ("terms")
- descriptions
- postgresql-9.3
- postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1
- postgresql-contrib-9.3 (for hstore extension)
More recent versions of postgresql and extensions are probably okay.
Create a postgresql user and database.
sudo -u postgres psql
createuser -s -P username
createdb -E UTF8 -O username wikidata
Then, apply the schema (sql/schema.sql).
psql -U username -f sql/schema.sql wikidata
Put dumps somewhere such as:
After building a runnable jar, then the tool can be run on the command line:
java -jar importer.jar -dbname wikidata -dbuser username -dbpass password -dumpdir /home/wikidata/dumps/
Populate geometry:
update coordinates set geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longitude, latitude), 4326);
create index idx_coords_geom ON coordinates using GIST(geom);