Cache Java method calls and return values with Guice/AOP. No XML configuration files or boilerplate code.
Cachalot provides a single annotation to intercept calls to methods in Guice managed classes and return cached values rather than invoking the annotated method. If a cached return value is not found for the arguments in the method call, then the method is invoked and the return value cached.
Cachalot uses Ehcache, which can be configured using the annotation elements.
Add the cachalot-{version}.jar to your project's classpath. If you use Maven to manage your dependencies use add the following to your POM.xml
<dependency> <groupId>twigkit</groupId> <artifactId>cachalot</artifactId> <version>{version}</version> </dependency>
Add the CachalotModule when you create your Injector:
public static void main(String[] args) { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new YourGuiceModule(), new CachalotModule()); ... }
Cachalot provides a META-INF/services descriptor in the .jar so if you're using the Java 6 ServiceLoader to dynamically add any Guice Modules on your classpath it should work out of the box. This is how we create our Injector in TwigKit:
ServiceLoader<Module> modules = ServiceLoader.load(Module.class); Guice.createInjector(modules);
Just add the @Cache annotation to the methods you would like to cache access to. That's it!
@Cache(name='cache-name', maxElementsInMemory=10, timeToLiveSeconds=60, timeToIdleSeconds=45)
public String getSomeExpensiveValue( URL someLocation, String someId, Date date ) {
return expensiveValue;
@Cache(...) Annotation
@Cache(name='cache-name', [ maxElementsInMemory=10, timeToLiveSeconds=60, timeToIdleSeconds=45 ... ] )
Available Elements
name (String, required)
Name of the cache. Note that "default" is a reserved name.
maxElementsInMemory (int, default: 3000)
The maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted.
overflowToDisk (boolean, default: false)
Whether to use the disk store
eternal (boolean, default: false)
Whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire.
timeToLiveSeconds (int, default: 120)
Whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire.
timeToIdleSeconds (int, default: 100)
Default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date.
diskPersistent (boolean, default: false)
Whether to persist the cache to disk between JVM restarts.
diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds (long, default: 120)
How often to run the disk store expiry thread. A large number of 120 seconds plus is recommended.