This project is intended as a boiler plate server. It currently implements registration and login functions. Any configuration can be placed in server.config
See Routes API For documentation on the routes.
After cloning the repo run npm install
Create a file called .env in the root project directory called .env and define values for:
- Server port
- database host
- database username
- database password
- database database
- authToken generator secret
An exmple definition is as follows:
SERVER_PORT = '8080'
DB_USERNAME = 'username'
DB_PASSWORD = 'password'
DB_HOST = 'localhost'
DB_DATABASE = 'databaseName'
TOKEN_SECRET = 'mysecret'
MAIL_TOKEN = 'send grid mail token'
- password
- firstName
- lastName
- emailConfirmed (true if client has confirmed email)
- value (used to verify if user is the same one that we sent an email to)
- value (used to verify user, sent in an email)
- created at (used to verify that token has been recently created)
Allow login before confirming email - if set to true this would force the client to confirm their email before they can login
When user registers
- generate token
- save token, username in db
- send him email with link that includes token
Confirming email
- user clicks on link (includes get request)
- grab username from db where token = supplied token
- set confirmedEmail to true in user table where username = username from above
- remove token from db (confirm token table)
Forgot password
- create random 6-8 digit token
- save token with username in db
- send email to user's email with token
Reset password
- grab 6-8 digit token from request
- grab username from db using token
- reset password of username from request